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Author Topic: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?  (Read 24788 times)

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Offline Crizzle

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Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« on: February 11, 2008, 04:28:47 am »
Yeah. I decided to start a topic about the US elections. There's no reason we can't do this in a civilized manner. :P

I just wanted to know who the members here think would be the best choice for the next president of the United States.

You don't have to be a US citizen. Anyone is free to express their opinon. (in a sensible and non-inflammatory way)

Personally, I think Obama is the best choice. Not Hillary Clinton, and definitely not McCain.

Your turn.  ;)

I think this depicted Hilary quite well:



Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 09:46:12 am »
I think Hilary, but I still believe because Bill Clinton is besides her that he will pretty much lead her while she gets blamed for stuff. And that Hilary gets a unfair amount of votes cause of Bill Clinton being her hubby.

Her being aside I'm not even LOOKING at McCain, he's just too far behind.

And then Obama... I still think his name resembles too much of Osama so I suspicious about that, but I know it's nonsense. Obama does it good and he knows it.

Either Obama, a black man or Hilary a white Woman, Either would be good step. Almost every thing's better then Bush.
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Offline Derek

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 12:17:39 pm »
And then Obama... I still think his name resembles too much of Osama so I suspicious about that, but I know it's nonsense. Obama does it good and he knows it.

Good, I'm glad you know that it's nonsense! ;)

Either Obama, a black man or Hilary a white Woman, Either would be good step. Almost every thing's better then Bush.

Even if almost anyone would be better than Bush, you still want to make an informed decision! :)

I'm a strong Obama supporter.  He wants to fight for ethics reform and transparency in U.S. politics.  Unlike Hillary, he hasn't taken a single cent from lobbyists or special interest groups (Hillary took more money from lobbyists in 2007 than any other candidate).  He's a good, honest man who can inspire people and bring different groups together.  He's probably also the most web/tech-savvy of all the candidates.

Here's a video from Lawrence Lessig (founder of Creative Commons) on why he supports Obama:


I don't think Hillary is necessarily a bad person, but I find her campaign to be very ugly.  She's not above lying to win, and will basically change sides whenever it's convenient for her, whether it's about Iraq, or labor unions, or video games!  Yes, in 2005 she sided with ultra-conservative Republicans to try and pass legislation that would allow the federal government to regulate the sale of video games.  That is BAD news for people who play/make games.

Now she's going after Hispanic voters.  Recently, it's been revealed that Hillary's campaign tried to spread a lie that Hispanics won't vote for black politicians.  This is a terrible thing to do, and I hope people are aware of this.

You can read all about it in the New York Times:


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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2008, 12:41:56 pm »
I am totally behind Obama all the way. I think he would do wonders.
whut, we get signatures? K, lemme put something here. WATCH THIS SPACE >_>

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2008, 01:20:23 pm »
I wasn't really informed by that... But that does prove my point, and I bet Bill's behind that lie too. But that is also a suspicion.

Bill just wants to have his power back, he liked to be president. Now he can get it through his wife. I just wonder if she joined BECAUSE of Bill and not because of herself.
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Offline Alec

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2008, 01:35:32 pm »
I also think Obama seems to be the best choice currently...

... but I'm still worried that if he's elected, the US will continue to be creepy. I hope if he does get elected, he actually changes things for the better.

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2008, 03:41:22 pm »

Offline Wenzor

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 12:55:23 am »
I don't know...I'll probably pick Clinton

Obama won but now he had to go against McCain , I think he would lose. Obama was too young, and McCain was old, so McCain had more experiences than Obama. So the best way (in my opinion) was to let Clinton be president, Obama be vice-president..=_=

Offline Sfiera

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2008, 01:59:27 am »
Actually, according to some CNN/Time Polls, it seems Obama would do better than Hillary against McCain--I can't vouch for the accuracy of the polls, but the reasoning given for them seems reasonable enough. And if you're concerned that his name is too similar to "Osama"... well, that's just silly. Barack Hussein Obama's name is too similar to "Hussein", not to "Osama".

As for me, I support Obama. Honestly, it seems kind of antithetical to post support for Hillary to a video gaming forum ;)

Offline Derek

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2008, 02:49:05 am »
Obama draws lots of independent/moderate voters... so does McCain.  Hillary doesn't.  So if she goes up against McCain, he will take all those moderate votes from her without even a fight.  Not to mention that the Republicans despise Hillary and will do anything to stop her.  Lots of Republicans are saying that if Hillary is the Democrat's nom, the Republican party will rally around that to try and beat her.

NOT ONLY THAT, but they're going to make a big deal about her voting for a resolution in 2002 to allow George Bush to bypass Congress to start war in Iraq.  It's something she has not been able to address properly in debates with Obama.

Obama has moderate voters on his side, even some Republicans.  He's never wavered on issues like Iraq.  He's also a great speaker.  He has the better chance against any Republican candidate, but especially John McCain. ^-^

(Can you tell I'm pretty excited about this election? ;))

Offline Wenzor

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2008, 03:04:20 am »
(Can you tell I'm pretty excited about this election? ;))

this election was the best one through out American History lol xD
a woman
a super old guy
a black guy
all came out
and all of them were better than Bush... ;D

Offline Sfiera

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2008, 03:56:28 am »
I think we would be setting an even more impressive historical precedent if all three candidates had come out :)

Offline Aquarena

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2008, 07:17:49 am »
Bill just wants to have his power back, he liked to be president. Now he can get it through his wife. I just wonder if she joined BECAUSE of Bill and not because of herself.

They are both horrible political oppertunists, and neither is above using the other's status to push their own agenda. For example, Hillary was pushing for universal healthcare back in the mid-90's and using Bill's status as POTUS to gain clout. It fizzled out ultimately, but its going to be a big deal if she gets elected. The thing about the Clintons is that they are like the Bushes, they are sleazy liars and poltical backstabbers who have no greater goal than getting their idea of what America 'should be' realized. If you're idealogically aligned with them, more power to you, but if you're in the opposing camp, well, tough luck.

While I sympathize with a lot of what Billary stands for, I think they're just too polarizing. The republican delegates have definately done the smart thing by pushing through McCain as the nominee, because he has a lot of independant and moderate support.

It seems that Obama could edge out McCain wth centrist voters, at least according to this poll: http://blogs.usatoday.com/onpolitics/2008/02/usa-todaygall-1.html

Obama is more openly religious and slightly more conservative concerning domestic issues like gay marraige and universal health care, less decisive, and generally more attractive to the American people as a whole than Clinton, who is  seen as a somewhat 'old-school' candidate, along with McCain to a lesser degree.

I could go into another rant about how old people are always the deciding factor in elections, and it would be phenonomal if the youth could come out and make a difference with a more young-person oriented candidate like Obama, but I'll just save the conjecture and leave you with the above, which is what most analyists agree is the political word on ths street right now.

EDIT: Beaten by a much more concise post by Derek...mine has a link though  ::)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 07:22:10 am by Aquarena »

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2008, 04:27:48 pm »
Who's the one that doesn't believe in evolution? Mcain, I guess...  ::)

Anyway, what did Hillary do to gamers?


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Offline Alec

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Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2008, 03:10:36 pm »
Obama pulled ahead.

Pretty exciting race!