Okay, so I beat the worm boss by using god knows how many items. All my healing items, hearty soups and spicy rolls....
But nothing happened. The room was locked, the boss was gone, and I had expected to get the sun form from this battle.... But like I said, nothing.
So I left the room through the hole in the ceiling and some jumping and explored the temple some more, even exploring to the top of the temple and unlocking one of her hidden memories. But still no sun form.
I went back to the boss room, and there he was again! But now I have nothing to heal myself with and I've saved over from before I beat him the first time!
What is going on?! And even though I hate using cheats, it took me forever to amass all those items to defeat the that particular boss AND get her memory, but is there some way that I can just type something in and POOF, there's my sun form?