wooh, 22 hours of play. man, it was awesome. I got a lot of info from here that made searching for it fun, and wasting my time less ( otherwise it would have been 22 years). here are somethings I learned.
1. if you want to cook and not loose your ingredients, choose them and put in the proper places for cooking. press the mouse button and simultaneously, press escape. you get your food, and you keep the original ingredients.
2. the final boss at his second to last form that sings and throws balls at you can only die by his own hand. when he gives away the notes that means the balls will come from those locations. if you hit that note when an only when the balls are release one after the other you can stop them. this prevents damage to you and there is no harm to the boss. but if you hit the note exactly when the ball is traveling over the boss the ball shrinks and goes into the boss and he flashes red meaning he got hurt. if you sing to early or too late, the balls stop before hitting him or after they past him, or they hit you (if you don't sing at all).
3. the god of the energy temple needs to be zapped for the third time to die. problem is that he won't come that close for the third time. this means you need to do a precise timing. when he is as close as he comes to the zapper, he needs to throw fire balls at you if you are to far to be bitten, which means he needs to bring his head down. that is when you heat up the pearl by yor energy blast and get him (he is the easiest)
anyway, I wanted to thank all you guys that helped with my small brain to finish this game, thanks to the creators, and I hope to buy the sequel soon,
take care