wouldn't the quarters be 1/4 of the year? Isn't the end of march nearly 4 months? Making it 1/3 of the year? Of course that's assuming it began in January. Soooo...not so insane after all is it?
March is the third month of the year. At the end of March, three months of 2008 will have elapsed, or a quarter of a year.
Fiscal years are pretty weird IMO, but then, most concepts in finance are mysterious and hard to grasp. Q1 2008 isn't even in 2008. It starts 10/1/2007 and ends 12/31/2007. Q2 2008 is 1/1/2008 to 3/31/2008.
Wiki link.
So, when Ambrosia announced that Aquaria/Mac would be released in Q1 2008, they were saying it would be released by December 31 in 2007. I don't think that's what they actually meant, hence my aside. I suppose they could have been speaking in regular quarters and not financial quarters, but the "Q#" notation typically denotes fiscal quarters rather than sane ones.