b) your computer being underpowered, which is hardly bad game design.
True. But it still isn't my fault (I'm not necessarily blaming the game for it. But many games do give a little more slack). And I still failed a lot of jumps by a microsecond even when the pc didn't lag.
(oh, and before you say that it is indeed my fault that I hadn't a decent pc at the time: I'm still not financially independent and depending on my parents my pc would still be running at 100Mhz

As for the camera angles, I always found it much more important to keep the rhythm than to actually watch the screen; you pretty much always have a chance to look ahead of you and scout out the whole area anyway.
Not quite. The fact that you know things are there is not the same as knowing exactly where when you get there.
And I recall one situation in particular where you had to do a wall jump into a hanging column where I had no idea how far the it was when I started and then the camera would shift into a position where you couldn't even see if you were aligned with the column. For a long time I thought I was probably be going the wrong way because it was a nearly impossible jump.
Look, I've admitted the game is okay. Just highly overrated. And quite frankly the fact that you guys are trying to prove that I suck at it won't change anything since the difficulty of the game was still one of the things that annoyed me the least.