It's been almost two months already? Whew! Well anyway, here's a small update on the Finnish translation.
I discussed the problem with using ä and ö with my instructor, and we agreed that I would basically produce two translations; one where ä and ö are used normally and another with ä and ö replaced with a and o respectively. This way we'll have a working translation that can be used with the current version of Aquaria, as well as a "proper" version ready to use if Unicode support is added in the future. Obviously not using ä and ö makes the Finnish translation slightly harder to read than normal, but there shouldn't be any parts where the actual meaning of a word is altered. Basically it takes a bit of getting used to, but it works.
As for how the translation is going, I've already fully translated both the subtitles and the stringbank. I'll be testing the translations in-game before I release them though, but that shouldn't take too long. Actually I'd like to localize the game even further by also translating the help files in the data folder, as well as the "ingredients" file. Is there anything I should know about these files before I start?
Anyway, that's it for now.