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I just learned about the vibe...
« on: January 14, 2008, 05:22:38 pm »
While dashing in beast form through the internet, devouring site over site I found this nice little review, containing the vibe of Aquaria. :)

"Sire, I had no need of that hypothesis." (Laplace)

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Offline Alec

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 06:08:41 pm »
Every time I read someone's interpretation of the game, I feel like barfing. :)

Gotta learn to resist the urge to read articles about the game. Its like I feel like I'm X and someone is like "No, you're really Y".

*whistles a tune and gets back to work*

[oh... i totally explained what this means on irc, btw - how it feels weird to have people analyzing something that was very personal to you for a long time. its not really negative or positive, it just feels really strange to me...

getting some sleep might help too. :) ]
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 06:49:25 pm by Alec »

Offline tyroney

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 07:03:03 pm »
The way people tend to analyze and read-into creative work has always irked me to a certain degree.

Offline Alec

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 07:10:25 pm »
Its such a weird mixed thing when you're the dude that made the thing in question. Cause you really want to know what people think, and you really don't. You both really care about other opinions and you also really don't.

Its a strange mix.

In this case, it seems like a really positive article for the most part, but it labels things and organizes things in the game. For me it feels like the game is this big sprawling living creature that I'll never really understand, and when people write articles on it, it kind of feels more like a corpse that's being dissected.

(which is not to say its good or bad, its just a feeling)

I guess its because when you're working on something, there are infinite ways it can go and things it can become; but then once its released, those possibilities solidify, the doors close and you're kind of left with the last state capture of the crazy, uncontrolled process of making the thing.

The game went through all these major stages of change and the creators go through all the emotions and anxieties, and then it just kinda ends abruptly with release and becomes this inanimate object, or so it seems from that perspective.

But that's not entirely accurate, because once the game comes out there's a community that springs up, and all these other interpretations come to light through fan art, opinions, articles, mods.

I guess maybe its like a parent sending a kid out into the world in a way. You kind of just have to let them go off and find their own way.

Offline brainygamer

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 08:07:18 pm »
Hi Alec (and forum gang),

I wrote the "vibe" article for my blog The Brainy Gamer, and, well, sorry about making you gag! ;-)

I thought it might be helpful to say that I never intended the piece as a deep analysis or dissection of Aquaria. Rather, I had read several pieces on the game and felt that they were missing what really hooked me and impressed me most about Aquaria. It's a game with soul. Aside from other issues like level design and gameplay, I'm really intrigued by how the game feels and sounds and looks. I awkwardly describe this as "vibe" in my piece because I don't know a better word to describe it. My intention was simply to express my admiration for the way you got a certain soulful feeling into Aquaria when so many big-budget games seem to have so little. My list of elements in the post was intended to point at things other designers could learn from Aquaria if they want to incorporate this elusive vibe into their games.

As for the question of "reading into" games or over-interpreting them, I think it's an inevitable and positive thing. I work in the theater for my "real job" and I find that people see all kinds of things that I may or may not have intended in my work. When something stimulates us emotionally or intellectually (as Aquaria did for me) we're bound to respond through whatever lenses we see the world through, and that inevitably affects what we think a game means or says. When you put it out there, it's basically out of your hands, and I think that's a good thing. The worst response, I think, is "well that was nice." Better to provoke something meaningful, even if it has no relationship to what you were thinking as the creator.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. Probably worth less. I hope this is helpful, and, again, many thanks for Aquaria.


Offline Alec

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2008, 08:40:42 pm »
Whoops. I was more talking in general, just about my reaction to reading anything about the game - whether its positive, negative, in-depth, short... I just get a weird feeling.

Its not like I'm throwing up because people are saying things that I don't agree with, its more just that I get this weird uneasy feeling reading articles about the game.

So yeah, don't take it the wrong way or anything. :) I'm just ranting about my own weirdness.

Offline brainygamer

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2008, 09:20:02 pm »
Understood. Thanks for explaining. Hey, who knows, maybe it's the weirdness that makes your music and sound so cool. Don't lose it!  :D

Offline Blueskied

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2008, 09:18:08 pm »
I think it's a nicely written review.
Your fault, when you come up with something esoteric/spiritual/whatever like that vibe-thing.  :)
Karl, Download Games - Blueskied.com

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 05:00:20 am »
Thanks, Karl. Much appreciated.

Offline doninss

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 06:53:43 am »
I also enjoyed the article (your take, and the writing style). *Bookmarked*

Thanks, Xiagan.

Offline SunBeam

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 12:09:07 pm »
Alec: What if Aquaria had appeared before all those mentioned in the article? Do you crave for making something unique? Tough "chore" if you ask me. It's impossible for someone to judge a game without putting it to comparison with others. Not to mention you too said the game (engine and all) also contains inspirations from other locations..
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Offline Alec

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 04:38:01 pm »
I think you missed the point of what I was saying.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 07:57:51 pm »
SunBeam, it's IMPOSSIBLE to make a very unique game that makes you think of NO other game.

I think Alec just said that it feels weird that when you make a game that people just think of whole other games then you had in your mind, that you pretty much got your inspiration from.
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Offline Alec

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Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2008, 08:07:51 pm »
We've talked about our many sources of inspiration for the game in interviews. I don't really care how similar it is to other games or how different it is from other games. That's not the point I was talking about.

My point was that its weird reading stuff about your game, because people put it in boxes. When we were working on the game, it felt alive and infinite. It still feels that way to me in a sense, but now its more like a corpse that people are trying to store somewhere.

Its not that its good/bad, its just a weird feeling.