Its such a weird mixed thing when you're the dude that made the thing in question. Cause you really want to know what people think, and you really don't. You both really care about other opinions and you also really don't.
Its a strange mix.
In this case, it seems like a really positive article for the most part, but it labels things and organizes things in the game. For me it feels like the game is this big sprawling living creature that I'll never really understand, and when people write articles on it, it kind of feels more like a corpse that's being dissected.
(which is not to say its good or bad, its just a feeling)
I guess its because when you're working on something, there are infinite ways it can go and things it can become; but then once its released, those possibilities solidify, the doors close and you're kind of left with the last state capture of the crazy, uncontrolled process of making the thing.
The game went through all these major stages of change and the creators go through all the emotions and anxieties, and then it just kinda ends abruptly with release and becomes this inanimate object, or so it seems from that perspective.
But that's not entirely accurate, because once the game comes out there's a community that springs up, and all these other interpretations come to light through fan art, opinions, articles, mods.
I guess maybe its like a parent sending a kid out into the world in a way. You kind of just have to let them go off and find their own way.