I'm quite disappointed that this thread isn't more active. I just found out that Aquaria was finally released and I'm quite excited. The demo is downloading as a type this and hopefully it will run fine under wine since I really don't want to boot into Windows. Anyway as to the issue of buying the game, I won't. Not until the game gets ported to Linux anyway. I have no intention of supporting Windows only games since I hate the platform and I do not enjoy booting into it solely to play games which could easily be ported to Linux (and other platforms) in most cases.
If the game does get ported, and I hope it will, I will definitely buy it. The $30 it costs is a very low price to pay for a linux version of this great looking game. I hope more people will support the
native linux port. I don't really like the idea of having a wine wrapper, for obvious reasons, but if I were to chose between that and a Windows only version then I'd chose the better of two evils

. Not sure if I'd buy the game in that scenario though, it all depends on how great it is I suppose

. Out of respect and having seen the native port attempt I won't be pirating it. It's a shame to see
people trying to already though, a real shame.
Keep up the good work and thanks for such a cool and original game!
Edit: And it didn't

It crashes at the loading screen. Oh well, off to Windows we go.