Holy crap, this game is hard. It's like when I played Megaman X for the first time, but I'm just not getting better at it at hardly at all. Maybe I could get some pointers, see if I've missed some vital move that lets me toast Hume instead of him continually mopping the floor with me?
I've got 3 strength, 50 ammo of the level 1 dagger things, the double jump from the mines, and a full top row of health. I can get to the Sigil ammo (which looks spiffy!) underwater just outside Hume's area, but only just; it's not long enough to get back out to air with it before I die. Have I missed a water-breathing upgrade or something? I remember there being a health upgrade back in the very first area, but it was blocked off by some metal equipment I couldn't break through (not the blue bricks more common). And now, I can't jump enough to get back there from the woods. Is it permanently out of reach?
I get that the general idea with Hume is to stay roughly in the middle as he jumps back and forth over you, avoid the drill, and pop the purple things with the dagger. My main issue is that the angle of attack of the bubbles is too high to start with to pop them easily. It's very tricky to jump, then press up and allow enough time after you've pressed it to press Ctrl for the dagger shot to take; most of the time I get my usual ineffectual swipe. And of course, you can't hold a charge shot while you jump, heaven forbid. By the time the bubbles have followed me for long enough that they're down where I can dagger them without jumping, there's too many, and Hume has me cornered to the point where I can't get out because the injury immunity period is so damnably short.
Am I doing things completely wrong? Have I missed critical upgrades? Am I even following the guy that the Elder sent off in the right direction? Or is it just really, exceedingly difficult?
(Yes I know this is an old thread. It gives some background.)