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Offline DragonXVI

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Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« on: January 08, 2008, 01:31:20 pm »
LastUpdate: Removed a hefty spoiler, added Bold Text(tm), added Map Key, "Where to go next?" questions



Right, I'm including a collection of popular questions reguarding gameplay which will include Boss Strategy links, Hints on what do, common puzzle solutions and so on:

Please read this and see if your question is here before you ask about it on the forums, since there's a lot of repetition going on. Be warned there may be minor spoilers in this topic but I'll try and cut them down as I can. Hopefully one of the Admins/Mods'll sticky this so people can see it, I'll update it as I go/remember/am reminded of things

So without further ado:

Useful Links (Will probably contain hefty spoilers: Use at own risk)
(Use this if you're stuck at either a main boss or miniboss, contains very minimal spoilers other than a few names)
Ixis Boss Strategies: http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=609.0

Ixis Secrets/Treasure/Costumes/Memories/Yay Guide: http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=288.0 Ixis Treasure Hunting FAQ (Spoilers)

SilverKitty's Big List O' Recipes: http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=516.0 - SilverKitty's Guide to Recipes (Spoilers)

Map of the Game (Ultra Spoilers): http://mods.whahay.net/Jester/aquaria/aquariamap1.jpg
(Contains treasure locations, boss locations, song list etc. etc. Pretty much everything you need)


--Common Questions
Q- "*Insert thing here* Doesn't work/Look Correct/Game Crashes/ etc."
A- Make sure you have the latest patch. Head to the support forum and update the game, which tweaks and fixes many things.

Q- "What do all the symbols on the map mean?"
A- White Circle: Possible Exit from Area: Try explore all of these in an area
Red Circle/Red Crystal: Save Point
Turtle: Ancient Turtle Point
Green Line With Two Green Circles: A special form will allow you to pass through these tunnels
Other: Special Landmark (Boss, etc.)

Q- "How do I Wall Jump?"
A- Jumping up walls is a handy technique that's almost essential to learn for fully completing the game.  Basically, if you jump out of the water onto a wall, Naija will stick to the wall.  If the wall is steep, Naija will fall off after a short while, so you can quickly dash-jump off the wall onto another wall and continue this.  Remember Naija jumps towards the cursor, so basically just move the cursor to where you want her to jump and dash away.  Practice makes perfect, and she takes no fall damage so no worries there :p

Q - "What do the big Turtles do?"
A - Find more than 1 and you can instantly teleport between areas.  They make backtracking and exploring easier.

Q - "How do I make xxx Recipe?"
A - http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=516.0 - SilverKitty's Guide to Recipes (Spoilers)

Q - "How can I always have 3 slots of cooking without using a kitchen?"
A - You need to beat the secret "Simon Says" Boss. Check Secrets for more.

--Starting Area
Q - "How do I kill Nautilus Prime/The Big Shelled thing?"
A - You will need an ability to shoot, which can be found by completing the Energy Temple.  Swim around her and dash when she is about to charge you.  Keep blasting the fire button and eventually she'll go down and a prize'll be yours in the upper little cave

--Energy Temple
Q - "Finished this place, where do I go next?"
A - Now you can open those doors, maybe you should find another one in the main area.
Spoiler: Find a pearl to the east of this area and take it to the slot next to the door, then charge the pearl with Energy Form

--Open Waters
Q - "AAAH Where do I go?"
A - Head to either Kelp Forest or Mithala for now... I'd recommend Kelp Forest, it's North.  A good idea is to start exploring Open Waters clockwise...

--Kelp Forest
Q - "Where is the Kelp Forest?"
A -  The Northern part of the Open Waters.  Long green Kelp Plants give this area away

Q - "What's the deal with the fish Cave?/How do I swim down tiny gaps?"
A - A useful song allows you to swim down tiny passages into secret areas.  It is entirely optional to get.
To solve the Fish Cave puzzle and get the song, you must lure the correct colour of fish to their respective song stongs (There are 4). Do this by singing the correct colour of note to lure that colour of fish.  When enough fish are near the stone, the stone glows brightly.  Get all four stones glowing and the song is yours.

Q - "What are those little green Pod things (One in Naija's Home and others about)?
A - You can force them open using an ability, but you'll need to finish Kelp Forest first to get it.  They're tunnels connecting various areas, some allow you into secret areas.
Spoiler: Use Nature Form Charged Shot of them

Q - "Beat the boss, now what?"
A - Your new ability will allow you to make sense of those odd Green Hatch/Pods, but it's not essential for getting to the next area.  Head back to Open Waters and head east until you find a series of ruins and statues...

Q - "Where is Mithala?"
A - Head straight east through the Open waters until you find various mer-statues and houses.  A cutscene'll introduce the place

Q - "What do those weird runes say?
A - http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=226.0 (Spoilers)

Q - "I can't swim up fast currents/How do I get in the top path?"
A - You'll need a new form which you get at the end of Mithala that allows you to swim up fast currents
Spoiler: You'll need Beast Form, which is gained from beating the Mithala God Boss

Q - "How do I defeat those many-eyed things in the Cathedral?"
A - *Insert method here* - Swim all around them hitting each eye once and then blast them (can't remember if this is accurate, will update)

Q - "How do I pass the Steam Vents/What are the little blue crystals for?"
A - There's a form which allows you to pass obstacles and then right clicking on the blue crystals teleports you to there.  Get it by defeating the Priests by entering the Cathedral using the secret tunnel entrance in the upper part of Mithala (You'll need to find a way to pass the currents up here)
Spoiler: Spirit Form is gained from a secret boss: The Mithala Priests.  You'll need both Nature and Beast form to reach this last area of the Cathedral

Q - "Naija says she's not sure if she should be here/that she should explore elsewhere first?"
A - Don't worry, if you're here you can beat the boss... But it *will* be a tricky one :)

Q - "Beat the boss, now what?"
A - You can either try exploring *ALL* of Mithala and uncovering another boss or you can use your new ability to reach all those new areas.  Ideally you want to head to the veil

--The Veil
Q - "How do I reach the veil"
A - In the far North-East of the Game, but you'll need an ability to help you overcome the currents.

Q - "I've found somebody! But all he does is run off and sit there in his cave"
A - Listen to what Naija says.  You need to take his shell off, and Naija has an ability for moving heavy objects...
Spoiler: Chase him into his cave, when he stops running away, use your Bind Song on him

Q - "What am I doing here?"
A - There's another "Dungeon" here to explore, it's fairly easy to find so look everywhere.
Spoiler: In the eastern section of the Veil you'll find the Sun Temple

Q - "There's a giant sick turtle! How do I help it?"
A - You don't. It's just there... Explore this area a bit more though, there's treasure to find!

--Sun Temple
Q - "How do I raise the water level/Turn Gears?"
A - Non-Moving Gears can be turned by repeatedly rolling Naija nearby them.  Do it enough and the water changes

Q - "I found a really dark area, I can't see anything!"
A - You'll need that blue crystal you found by raising the water level.  Bind it, and then raise and lower the water level to get it to the Sunny room up in the top left of the area (Up the big long vertical shaft).  It'll eventually shine and fall off its little support, allowing you to take it with you

Q - "OMG What is with all these Spikey things in the Boss chamber?
A - One of your forms is immune to their damage. Enjoy!
Spoiler: Nature Form again

Q- "What use is the ability gained from the Sun Temple Boss?"
A- Now you can explore dark areas and the Abyss.

--The Abyss
Q- "Where's the Abyss?"
A- Just keep heading down from Open Waters. You'll find it... (It's very dark)

Q- "Where am I going?"
A- Down.  At the very bottom there will be two paths to take which will be closed.  Under certain circumstances, one of them will open...
Spoiler: Make sure you have Li, the companion you find in the Veil

Q- "I found a big Door with a strange symbol on it... She says she recognises it... How do I get past it?"
A- You'll need help, and help comes from somebody swimming about up in the Veil.
Spoiler: Make sure you have Li, the companion you find in the Veil

Q- "Big... Purple Tentacled Thing Blocking the way down?"
A- This is the last place you'll visit.  Make sure you've been everywhere else before here... It'll clear itself in time
Spoiler: You'll have to finish Sunken city first

--Seahorse Racing
Q- "How do I win?"
A- Two things you can do: First remember that one of your forms can stop time, also remember that certain food makes you swim faster...

--The Whale
Q- "I found a whale! How do I get in?"
A- You'll need the Whale Song (*Insert Song here*), you find it

Q- "I'm in, what now?"
A - *Insert answer here*

--Frozen Veil
Q- "I found a frozen place... What do I do here?"
A- There's an optional boss and a Health Upgrade in it for you, but it'll require skillful jumping/cooking to reach him and then skillful skillness to beat him.

--Sunken City
Q- "I can't get in!"
A- I told you, you need help to open the door.  Someone in the Veil, swimming around or hiding in a cave'll know how.

Q- "I've done the ghost boy puzzles, but now I'm at a door and I'm playing the song on the wall but it does nothing"
A- The top three notes are played three times, with the vertical note "Verses" being played once.  The complete song will sound like the main theme tune you hear, and the song the ghost woman sings to you in this area.  When played correctly, the door opens.
(IE: If the song is displayed like:
1 2 3
You play 1234-1235-1236 all in one go!)

Q- "What do I do in the last room?"
A- You'll need the stones in the upper section (where all the currents are), bind them and bring them down to the ghost boy and he'll build a statue.  Then something will happen!

Q- "Ok... I'm done here but what do I do now?"
A- Head back to the bottom of the Abyss to the big purple thing, or I'd also recommend you prepare yourself (find recipes, more secrets etc.)

--The Body
Q- "How do I free my friend?"
A- You'll need 4 spirits which you'll find in 4 opposite directions of the maze/body.  Once you've got 'em all return and free your friend with the song you hear...

Q- "How do I use the ability I gained from doing that?"
A- Kill enemies with your new form, and when fully charged (After a few enemies) charge up, switch to Naija, and release the attack button.  You'll kill everything on screen.  Master this before continuing...

Q - "Naija's Memories? What are those?"
A - Three Memories you can uncover by reaching certain areas of the game.  Upon seeing all three you'll granted a special bonus ending when the game is over.  Their locations are as follows:

- Mithala City: One of the small houses with the Kitchen in it
- Sun Temple: Before the boss room, work your way all the way up to the top exit of the Sun Temple (Requires tricky jumping on and off of cogs in the top two rooms) and reach the floating bubble above the temple
- The Whale: Enter the whale and solve the puzzle within (see above) to get the Pearl, then swim to the nearby Pearl Gate, charge it, and head in for the last memory.

Q - "Pets/Costumes/Treasure/etc?"
A - http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=288.0 Ixis Treasure Hunting FAQ (Spoilers)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 09:58:03 am by Alec »
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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 02:24:18 pm »
Wow, good work!
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Offline Glamador

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 05:56:43 pm »
Hmm...I think you might spoil more for people than they might want to know in some of these answers...I would probably have worded them a little more ambiguously, not used form names where they don't need to be said and just pointed people in the right direction...but hey, it's your FAQ not mine.  Also I would just point people towards the Boss Strategies thread for boss info since that thread is alot more in-depth than your descriptions.

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Offline DragonXVI

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 06:17:03 pm »
Good point, I tried to be ambiguous with things like how to get past the sunken city door, but obviously the lower down the list you go the harder it becomes to keep things quiet :)

Removed Boss Links now, since the Boss Strategy Topic should contain everything necessary, may do the same with secret things, but I'd like ideally to tell people what is classed as a "Secret" (And so will be listed on both the Map and the Treasure Guide) - Things like the Simon Says Boss, Fish Form, Memories etc.

Basically I'm just trying to keep a library of the more useful topics on the forum, so any suggestions and additions are welcome :)
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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 09:01:14 pm »
Yeah, maybe it is possible to write it more in riddles and post the clear solution in a small sized font? This way everybody can decide which hint they want.
"Sire, I had no need of that hypothesis." (Laplace)

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Offline DragonXVI

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2008, 10:55:15 am »
Added, wanted to do the whole "Highlight text" spoiler system, but this works :D

Also spaced them out a bit so when you carefully scroll down you won't specifically spoil the next section as much
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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2008, 11:09:04 am »
Yep, it's a good work, indeed!

You forgot to write about the sunken boss, not a few people had problems with beating him  ;)

Offline KingAl

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2008, 12:18:29 pm »
<pedantry> Nautilus Prime is a she ;) - cf. http://www.bit-blot.com/?p=28 </pedantry>

Offline DragonXVI

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2008, 12:45:59 pm »
<pedantry> Nautilus Prime is a she ;) - cf. http://www.bit-blot.com/?p=28 </pedantry>

And Knowing is Half the battle :p (Updated)

Also I haven't included boss strategies on the grounds there's already a fairly non-spoiler topic up for those, but I have inlcuded the Sunken Temple "How do I build the statue" bit, just in case anyone has a problem
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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2008, 06:53:39 pm »
"those little green pod things" are only green on the map.  And personally, I wouldn't call them little.  (Fish and bullets are little, those things are big enough to swim through)
 So maybe "those blue pod things that are marked with oblong green blobs on the map"

Thought I'd  mention it since I had to stop and figure out what you were talking about.

edit: I'll probably just delete this post later in the interest of cleanliness.

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2009, 10:02:23 pm »
Hi, I'm new on the forum.... I've just finished the game after have collected all the treasures and costumes, and also the three lost memories of Naija. So, when the secret ending has started I have taken a look at the map of the tunnel that bring me to Mia, and i've noticed a secret room in the south part of the tunnel. Does someone kwon how to go there?

And sorry if my English is incorrect!  :-[ ::)

Offline Align

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2009, 10:43:01 pm »
"those little green pod things" are only green on the map.  And personally, I wouldn't call them little.  (Fish and bullets are little, those things are big enough to swim through)
 So maybe "those blue pod things that are marked with oblong green blobs on the map"
I always thought of them as blueberries

Hi, I'm new on the forum.... I've just finished the game after have collected all the treasures and costumes, and also the three lost memories of Naija. So, when the secret ending has started I have taken a look at the map of the tunnel that bring me to Mia, and i've noticed a secret room in the south part of the tunnel. Does someone kwon how to go there?
This is just a remnant of how the game engine works, that room is where one of the ending cutscenes takes place. You can't reach it, and if you could there wouldn't be anything playable there.

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2009, 06:30:45 pm »
This really needs to be stickied.

Offline Alec

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2009, 09:58:19 am »
This really needs to be stickied.

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Re: Gameplay FAQ (Read before posting) *Possible Spoilers*
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2010, 06:50:48 pm »
Phew. You mean that mermog miniboss. I was about to post a question on here about him. Personally I really hated his backside barrage. Talk about projectile [            ]. Ew.

P.S. The crab armor is harder than the krotite armor.