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Author Topic: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms  (Read 26032 times)

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Offline Glamador

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[spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« on: January 08, 2008, 02:24:16 am »
I just thought it would be fun to see which forms most people liked, and perhaps in what order.  My form ranking would look something like this:

Beast - It has great travel abilities what with the moving fast, the biting through enemies you don't want to deal with, and the ability to swim upstream, this form is the what's what of movement.  My #1.

Energy - With it's sheer power and ability to target enemies in your vicinity (even offscreen!) this form has no equal in combat.  Plus you can power it up with food to make it even more deadly!  #2 for me.

Normal - This is the form that had me fall in love with Naija, plus it has all sorts of ADORABLE costumes!  Plus you can sing which has a number of uses.  Did I mention ADORABLE?

This gets #3.

Dual - This form's power exceeds even that of the energy form!  You get it really late so there's not much chance to use it but it takes out any kind of enemy with above-average health in a heartbeat.  And that scream is an amazing room-cleaner.  #4!

Fish - Fish is more like my "travel fast when I don't feel like playing the game" form for just avoiding enemies and getting from Point A to Point B.  It's a great form for what its uses are...but it's kind of boring ya know?  #5 I say.

Spirit - It stops time, gives you a breather during tough situations, and it absorbs energy shots for health!  That's just awesome!  And it gave me a way around those nagging blue crystals that I had been wondering about the whole game.  My only complaint is that I wish there were MORE blue crystals so I could feel like I needed this form a little more.  It just didn't have enough uses...so it comes in 3rd to last at #6.

Sun - I have no strong feelings one way or another about Sun form.  It has zero use in combat, but it lets you explore new areas.  It's about as much of a "blue key" as Spirit form is (though slightly less blue).  The reason I rank it lower than Spirit is the fact that it doesn't even have the shot destroyer built in like Spirit does.  Perhaps if it had some sort of damaging ability I would rank it higher.

Nature - I love the look of this form but man was I so dissapointed with its powers...Does anybody else think this form is totally useless?  I like to spend most of my time fighting in open waters (not the area, the type of waters) swimming around, dodging, and attacking.  But Nature Form is #1, hard to aim as its bolts have a curve to them and #2 limited, because it forces you to attack enemies close to the walls.  If it had an attack that could damage enemies that don't necessarily stay near walls it would be alot better.  I was just trying it out in the Kelp forest, and boy all the times I tried to use it it was more work positioning the thing to actually hit the swimming enemy than it would have taken to just shoot it with energy form.  Especially the spiders and Dragon Seahorses.  This form comes in dead last for me.  Plus I'm good enough at platforming that I didn't even use its boosting ability.  Total loser in my book.  #8.

Those are my thoughts on the 8 forms in Aquaria!  But I'm interested in what everybody else thinks.  So come on forumgoers let's hear it!
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 03:51:26 am by Alec »

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Re: Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 03:04:59 am »
Though it goes without saying in the Gameplay forum, you should still probably whack a spoiler warning up the top there.  Didn't realise the health thing with spirit form, might have saved me some grief  :( I quite like the nature form, though.

Offline Nakanja

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Re: Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 03:42:16 am »
I'll put the sun form as my favorite, because crawling through the Abyss with just a little headlight wondering what you might run into in the dark was rather fun, and tense (I rarely used the charge-up flash power, to keep the dark feeling).  Of course by the end of the game I'd been through there enough times to be quite familiar with everything down there, but the first time through was the best part of the game to me. 

I also liked the nature form a lot.  It might not be as practical as the energy form but it was fun to try to do things like stick yourself in a little cactus tent and just wait as the enemies knock themselves against it, or throw it in exactly the right spot to take them out in one hit.  Plus its a quick lazy way to harvest a bunch of fish before you get the dual form, if they're close enough to a wall.  It's also the coolest-looking I thought.

Third favorite is beast form.  I didn't use the shots much because they're hard to aim, the way they sit still unless you're moving, sometimes you don't want to be moving towards the enemy to be able to shoot towards them (but I guess in those cases you shouldn't be in beast form. :P ), but I liked it for the speed and ramming through a bunch of enemies.  And for the way it fits into the storyline, she said something about how she's worried about how much she's starting to enjoy the destruction (or something like that?) sometime before, and then you're dashing into things and devouring them left and right.  Kinda creepy, especially right after hearing Mithala's story.

Offline DragonXVI

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 03:10:12 pm »
I'll put the sun form as my favorite, because crawling through the Abyss with just a little headlight wondering what you might run into in the dark was rather fun, and tense

Mm, Seconded.  I also found the final Bosses' 3rd form (When he's crawling about in the caves) incredibly atmospheric and creepy.  Good use of softer and louder music to boot.

Favourite form has to be either Beast or Energy in the end.  Beast for its speed and its muching, Energy for its fully powered laser death after some nice hot food...
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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 11:18:43 pm »
I spent most of the game in the normal form with various costumes for the whole adorable-factor. As for my favourate alternate form... I like the nature form. It looks good, it's not useless at all and can mete out vast ammounts of damage, especialy in confined spaces, and provide a nice shield if there are no holes to duck into. Plus I like making little gardens as I travel... I like the sun form too. I generaly treat it as another costume, but it makes spotting secret areas a whole lot easier.

Offline FaeDyne

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2008, 12:18:43 am »
as far as looks go, it's hard to pick. I have a feeling one or both of the people making this game also liked purple a lot. (my favorite color)
Mutant costume
Naija's Dual Form
both of which are... not so great for combat, sadly, and both at the end of the game, so I don't get to see them much.
I did probably spend most of my time in beast form, switching to energy form to kill. Dual Form is so slow for killing, I almost wonder if Energy Form is still faster.  Those damned poison-spitting balls in The Body took so many damned hits, and was mostly a waste of time. Nothing ever dropped in there, not even health.
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Offline tyroney

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Re: Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2008, 01:39:12 am »
Third favorite is beast form.  I didn't use the shots much because they're hard to aim, the way they sit still unless you're moving, sometimes you don't want to be moving towards the enemy to be able to shoot towards them (but I guess in those cases you shouldn't be in beast form. :P )
This is sort of a bug.  It happens if you move with the keyboard and then shoot with the mouse.  If you only move with the mouse, the beast projectiles will correctly shoot wherever your mouse cursor is pointing.  (edit: or if you last moved with the mouse)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 01:47:06 am by tyroney »

Offline Zeno

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2008, 06:24:18 am »
Nature Form is my favorite, actually.  It's both defensive and offensive.  The tree can be used as a weapon, a shield, a platform, it can launch you when out of water, all this in addition to the fact that the form negates spike damage.

Offline Glamador

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2008, 07:46:42 am »
Well I guess by popular vote...I am alone.  I just can't stand having to lure enemies toward walls just to attack.

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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2008, 11:06:13 am »
1. Normal, definitly this one first, cause I love the costumes you can wear, eespecially the handy ones, and that you can have the shield spell and the carry spell.
2. Energy, this one after normal just because it's mostly the combat system of the game and I feel save when traveling and shooting constantly.
3. Beast, this one after energy because it's fast, and it eats through everything, but the bad part is that the eated enemies don't drop ingrdients.
4. Spirit, this one after beast just because you can absorb projectiles which heal you, that has helped me alot of times in boss battles and casual battles.
5. Dual, this one for it's destructive power when it's handy anyway, cause you've had most of the game already.
6. Fish, this one for it's speed, even though it's totally useless in combat.
7. Sun, and as almost last, this one, just because the only thing it can do is light up the area and show the minimap all the time.
8. Nature, this one as last because I BARELY used it, I think the spikes take too long to charge and then hide behind, and I'm not someone who keeps it charged untill I see a enemy. Also that I barely ever used the big bulb transport plants.
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Offline Glamador

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2008, 06:30:21 pm »
Yay!  I'm not alone!

My Smash Bros. Brawl "Smash Card": http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a43/Glamador/WolfSignature.jpg

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2008, 06:34:34 pm »
Yeah, I don't even know how to briar spike jump myself.
So it's pretty much useless to me. =/
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Offline Wenzor

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2008, 07:42:43 pm »
Beast - It's fast (makes traveling easier)and I could devour things with it
Energy - My favorite form to use during fights
Normal - I like the customs and I could sing in this form
Dual - It's good for combat but the aiming thing annoys me
Natural - I like the look of it, but it's not really powerful...except the thorns
Sun - really weak >.> but I could make things brighter at least...
Spirit - I only used it to pass steams...er...
Fish - it's fast, but really weak...the bubble are fun xD

Offline iamaseahorse

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2008, 03:06:53 pm »
dual form !!!!!!

the level right after you get dual form was my favorite area in the whole game.  the music rocked and there was a ton of enemies.  dual form rocks. 

ps:  how do you nature-jump?

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2008, 12:37:05 pm »
Still wondering that myself, I guess standing on the briar spike thing and jumping. Or shooting one under you while on the land, but that so far never worked with me.
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