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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2008, 02:26:58 am »
Why do you let my posts get to you?

Could it be that every person is an individual who reacts to things in their own way? :o

Curiosity, I guess. I have seen some of what you're capable of doing and I'm mighty impressed, so I want to know more about the person behind it.

Individuality aside, I simply thought some of the replies you've given was a bit over the top, and I wondered whether it was some joke I wasn't getting or if you actually let it get to you - and if so, why. But reconsidering this now, I can see it was a little too personal so if that's the answer you're gonna give I'm not gonna keep asking.
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Offline Alec

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2008, 02:31:43 am »
Naw, its cool. I don't know if there's any method to it, I just post what I feel is right to say at the time. I guess I could take a more detached stance and not get as involved, but I would rather be myself - whatever that means.

But yeah, I think overall I'm feeling pretty crappy and maybe that's why my posts aren't full of snuggly puppy love.

Posts like the OP definitely are not exactly a friendly thing to wake up to.

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2008, 02:39:24 am »
...Posts like the OP definitely are not exactly a friendly thing to wake up to.

Yeah, I see what you mean. And this is your place after all, with no publisher, boss or PR division looming over your shoulder I guess being allowed to be yourself is a perk you really should take advantage of.
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Offline TheLonelyGod

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2008, 02:39:42 am »
Hey Alec, not all of us are like that though.

Most people are gonna buy the game. (i am as soon as the black screen is fixed lol, got my thirty dollars all ready)

and hey i found a place that had the game and i didn't download it, so that should say something about most gamers.

Hope you feel better man.

Offline Alec

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2008, 02:42:14 am »
Well, out of curiosity, how would you guys suggest handling a situation like this OP?

I don't think my approach has been terribly effective, but I did greatly enjoy it.

I'm not really sure what Derek would have done, probably something more chill.

Offline KingAl

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2008, 02:55:47 am »
Access: What the hell? You've essentially posted that you own every console known to man, have played everything from Rock Band - which you sure as hell didn't pirate - to Everyday Shooter; that you support Manifesto Games for whatever reason, and yet you haven't bought Aquaria - oh, except if they release a Collector's Edition. Presumably the fact that you'd be willing to buy a CE somehow absolves you of guilt for this - but, since it doesn't exist, you haven't actually done anything to support the developers.
It's great if you love the game, but  the only way games like this are going to be made is if you pay for them.

Alec: Hrm, I dunno. If it were me, I'd probably just delete the thread, and then PM him ultra-diplomatically explaining how your hostel for lost kittens is hardly holding up as it is. But that wouldn't be as much fun.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 03:01:36 am by KingAl »

Offline Glamador

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2008, 03:18:15 am »
You know how I support a good game?  I buy the game, play it, THEN GET THE COLLECTOR'S EDITION TOO.  If you guys release a CE I'll snatch it up POST HASTE.  I support games I love.  Do you know how many times I've purchased Diablo II?  4 times.  I lost my disc twice and had it stolen once.  I've also purchased RE4 twice, Ocarina of Time 3 times, and all the Megaman X games twice.  You bet your right-ring-finger's cuticle I'll buy Aquaria more than once!

My Smash Bros. Brawl "Smash Card": http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a43/Glamador/WolfSignature.jpg

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2008, 03:27:58 am »
How I would have handled being in your position:

Probably the same, up until now. I would definitely have wanted to see how people respond to such a post; but by this point with no show of regret of his post and actions, I would remove him from the forum, lock the thread with explanation and then remove it within a weeks time.

Just please don't let it get you down. Hell if the money isn't coming in quick enough, I'll purchase another copy for my brother. Most good games these days cost between $50-$60.

Offline Mull

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2008, 03:34:53 am »
Well, out of curiosity, how would you guys suggest handling a situation like this OP?

I don't think my approach has been terribly effective, but I did greatly enjoy it.

I'm not really sure what Derek would have done, probably something more chill.

I think I personally would've just answered his question and ignored the piracy thing, figuring that if there was actually something I could say to make him pay for the game chances are I wouldn't come up with it. But your way, at least you got something out of it yourself which is better than nothing, right?
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Offline luciferin

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2008, 04:53:23 am »
Honestly, I thought about this while at work for a while, and decided that you at least could contact his ISP with a notice that you suspect him of illegal activity.  I would have deleted the thread also.  I agree with how you've said you feel that you can't stop people from doing what they do, but you likely don't want to harbor it on your own forums.

But that is only me, and since I haven't seen you delete anything yet you're probably also strictly against being a censor.
Bless this mess.

Offline EntiteFred

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2008, 05:00:17 am »
Well, out of curiosity, how would you guys suggest handling a situation like this OP?

I don't think my approach has been terribly effective, but I did greatly enjoy it.

I'm not really sure what Derek would have done, probably something more chill.

Insulting the guy was what most people would have done, and I don't think many people here have a problem with this.  This is the part about the lack of people supporting the game which is more annoying to us since (I hope so) most of the people posting here have bought the game.  It is not that bad, but it can piss off people which take things too personal.  But you're right to be pissed off, I can't understand why people would pirate an indie game, but I can believe it.  But this thread... wow, I just can't believe this guy.  He is the embodiement of the word "loser".

I think, maybe for the next game (and I really hope you will earn enough to make one), you should restrict some sections of the forums, let's say, the strategy, mod and support sections, to people who have bought the game (giving unique forum usernames and passwords with the game, maybe...).  At least this way pirates would not be getting support from you and from the owners of legitimate copies.  It does not help selling, but at least it could help your mood knowing your helping only people who really appreciate what you do.

Offline Access

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2008, 05:58:08 am »
Well if your concerned I'd recommend just locking the thread it will soon fall into obscurity. If your that desperate to be done away with it, just delete it. I fully understand both positions.

You could look at my post in one of two ways;

a) I'm trolling, and just being a dick
b) I am offering a suggestion and just being a dick

I don't question that this is a dick move, I just put my balls on the line and figured it could give you some interesting insight into the market of people like me. Some % of people will pirate good games, I just thought I would pass on what exactly would it take for you to get my money. It wasn't a threat, it wasn't an attempt to convince you to make the CE to my specifications, it was purely an exercise of what it would take to get people like me to spend money. If I was a developer in your position I would want as much intel on this market segment as possible. Who is pirating, why, how else can we get money from them, what are the psychological borders preventing them from spending money etc etc.

Of course im only one opinion, I would love to hear what it would take for others, and I wish there was some real academic research in this area, but it is very much lacking since it is such a taboo subject. Pretending pirating doesn't exist is one way to deal with it, its a very popular way to do it as well. Understanding it, is my preffered approach.

Now I could of came on here, pretended I bought the game, and spoke of a "friend" who pirated the game and what he "told" me. But I thought the information would be less useful as hearsay, you guys wouldn't of believed me anyway - I'm a terrible liar.

Im not asking for you to listen to my advice either, I was just offering it, point blank.

"Be careful of whose advice you take, but patient with those that provide it" - Baz Luhrmann
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 06:03:14 am by Access »

So, I happen to hate hippos, wanna fight about it?

Offline Alec

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2008, 06:05:01 am »
There is a difference between emailing us information and posting it on a public forum. This is more like waggling your piracy dick around for everyone to see. It seems unnecessary.

I think its disturbing how its come to the point that people feel comfortable enough with piracy that they'll waggle it in the face of the people who made the thing that was pirated. What about 10 years from now - will anyone care about supporting anything anymore? Small developers will be hit the worst by that. (big companies can market the crap out of anything, shove products down consumers throats, afford more expensive, annoying, but at least partly effective antipiracy measures) If the next generation of consumers believe they're entitled to anything they want for free - then unless we're going to get rid of capitalism, I don't see how small creators are going to survive.

Seems pretty bleak to me.

Offline Alec

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2008, 06:11:58 am »
I'm also not sure why we would be interested in data on a group of people who don't see it fit to pay for things that they use. Doesn't seem like the best market to target.

But regardless, thanks for the massive kick to the balls.