Im a filthy pirate and am enjoying this game very much (word of mouth is spreading!).
Put me down for a collectors edition if its got the soundtrack in it and some lithographic images, I can frame for my walls.

Some people prefer a little art book, but I prefer to actually put good lithographs to use. But thats just me, a small art book might "sell" your product better. Best talk to a publisher who knows about this stuff. I imagine lithographs are cheaper to produce and make though!
Would love a little action figure like the collectors editions of Alien Hominid.... but the above is good enough.
Dont waste your time on clothing in it like certain CE Editions of games.
For packaging please make it look professional and not gimmicky like a treasure chest or something. Better to spend money on a nice rectangle wood box then it is to waste on a tacky shape.
Before fans jump down my throat and say I should support them now, there right I should. But piracy happens for anything of quality, and to be honest, I would never even intended on spending the extra money buying a collectors edition if I hadn't pirated it first.
"The biggest threat to an artist isnt piracy its obscurity. Making money from popularity isnt an enormous leap." - Mark Pesce