Well if your concerned I'd recommend just locking the thread it will soon fall into obscurity. If your that desperate to be done away with it, just delete it. I fully understand both positions.
You could look at my post in one of two ways;
a) I'm trolling, and just being a dick
b) I am offering a suggestion and just being a dick
I don't question that this is a dick move, I just put my balls on the line and figured it could give you some interesting insight into the market of people like me. Some % of people will pirate good games, I just thought I would pass on what exactly would it take for you to get my money. It wasn't a threat, it wasn't an attempt to convince you to make the CE to my specifications, it was purely an exercise of what it would take to get people like me to spend money. If I was a developer in your position I would want as much intel on this market segment as possible. Who is pirating, why, how else can we get money from them, what are the psychological borders preventing them from spending money etc etc.
Of course im only one opinion, I would love to hear what it would take for others, and I wish there was some real academic research in this area, but it is very much lacking since it is such a taboo subject. Pretending pirating doesn't exist is one way to deal with it, its a very popular way to do it as well. Understanding it, is my preffered approach.
Now I could of came on here, pretended I bought the game, and spoke of a "friend" who pirated the game and what he "told" me. But I thought the information would be less useful as hearsay, you guys wouldn't of believed me anyway - I'm a terrible liar.
Im not asking for you to listen to my advice either, I was just offering it, point blank.
"Be careful of whose advice you take, but patient with those that provide it" - Baz Luhrmann