IceD and Xiagan: nice
write us something in your language too, ... Could we understand it as you understand us? 
Something like: This is my new banana.
CZ: Toto je můj nový banán.
//sounds silly, but I mentioned this sentence many times, in conversation with hungarian, german, and other non-czech-or-english friends which I was lucky to meet face to face. Hungarian was the most interesting, but absolutely unrememberable.
(btw. who knows if a word "unrememberable" actually exist in English
(maybe unremembable))
To jest mój banan

Polish and Czech are from the same, slovian language line. Horray

BTW, it can be a bit funny, but it seems that foreigners from our countries (Czech, Poland, Hungary) are the people that have the most less difficulties learning most of world's languages

, because most of them descend from roman languages. Umlauts are also very useful, for example those who know only english have many difficulties learning japanese, when we have less problems (japanese uses the same, soft and hard vowels as in polish language for speaking). But to be honest, learning depends mostly on how far do you want to learn, not conditionings...
Actually, it seems that this word doesn't exist, although I'm not so sure about it...