I am a fan - oh boy is this game fun, and OH GOD IS THE ENDLESS JUMPING driving me NUTS!
Let's face it - I am definately not into platform games - because of all the endless jumping.
I am not normally into cheats either, but if there was one for reaching unreachable places without jumping in this particular game - I might consider.
Sun temple - fine, I did that. That bird with the egg - one of them, I did that. Shafts, on land, big bubbles I have done most of them - but I would like for once to be able to walk, climb using ropes, or even fly.. !!! I am stuck in the Frozen Veil, because of the that endless, stupid, ridiculous.... [sigh]... jumping.
For furter aquaria like games - please cut back on the jumping.
Much love from an exhausted gamer with slow reflexes..