Hi everyone, just having another little glitch with Aquaria.
Firstly, here's a picture, I acctually had to go into "window" mode to take it, as in full screen when I used the screenshot button it would take a picture of my desktop and ignore the fact the game was running. Not sure if that info is relevent at all, but it is odd

Now, I just got a new PC, my old PC was a 3.2ghz PC with a 9800XT and never had this problem. The new one is using a duel core e6750 with an HD3870 GPU, 4GB's of ram, running Vista Buisness 64bit.
Now for some details, as you can see, the water is kinda black, but only half of it. As you swim downward, the whole water ends up going black, as you swim up, it turns to it's normal reflecitvness, if you jump out of the water, as you get higher it goes black again. So, further away you are from the surface plane, the worse it gets. As you can see, on the left side for some reason there isn't a problem, it seems able to reflect the cliff there just above the water, so it's probably an angle thing...
I was using an unpatched version of the game yesterday, and the whole water plane was black at all times, I noticed in the forum a reocmendation from Alec to upgrade to the newest patch to fix the problem, now with the newest patch, the water acctually is perfectly fine at 1024*768, it only seems to cause problems when I go in and change the config file to make it 1600*1200 (haven't tested other resolutions as the screen ends up offset at odd places). So, taking a completely random stab here but maybe it has to do with the number of pixels between the surface of the water, the character and the angle of whatever it's trying to reflect? It would kinda explain why the cliff is reflected on the left side... But yeah I have no idea how your algorithm for that even works so I'm no doubt completely of the mark

Anyway, hope to get some info on this! Your latest patch was obviously on the right track somewhere.