Eragon (Luke Skywalker) lives in a secluded town called Carvahall (Tatooine). There's a nearby kooky storyteller named Brom (Old Ben) who tells crazy stories about how Galbatorix (Emperor Palpatine), a Dragon Rider (Jedi), overthrew the Dragon Riders that ruled the land and created the Empire (the Empire). Then one day, Arya (Leia) is captured by Durza (Vader), but first sends the egg (R2D2) near Carvahall (near Luke's moisture farm), where it ends up in Eragon's hands (R2-D2 ends up in Luke's hands), and the empire comes to get it and destroys Eragon's farm (Luke's moisture farm), killing his uncle Garrow (uncle Owen) while Eragon was away. He flees with Brom to chase the Razac (Nazgul). Brom gives Eragon Zarroc, a Rider's sword (lightsaber), which eventually turns out to be his father Morzan's (Vader, Luke's father). They travel for a long time (like LOTR). Meanwhile Brom (Obi-Wan) trains Eragon in the ways of Magic (the Force). Then Brom dies at the hand of the empire (Vader killed Obi-Wan). Then Eragon meets Murtagh (Han Solo). They travel to the Varden (Rebel Alliance). They fight a big battle (of Yavin), and at the end, Eragon stabs the shade through the heart (Luke fires the proton torpedo into the thermal exhaust port of the Death Star), instantly winning the battle. Eragon goes to Du Weldenvarden (Dagobah). There he meets Oromis (Yoda), an old high-ranked Rider (Jedi) that everyone thought was dead (yep, Yoda). Oromis trains him in the ways of Magic (the Force). Then, with magic, Eragon sees that the Varden (Luke's friends at Cloud City) is in trouble, and he leaves his training to go help (Luke left his training to rescue his friends). He goes and he fights for the Varden against the Empire. But all of the sudden, another rider (Jedi) appears and is stronger than Eragon (Vader). It turns out that it's Murtagh, who's been enslaved by Galbatorix (Han frozen in Carbonite). "Eragon, I am your brother!" "No! That's impossible!" Then, Murtagh takes Zarroc (Vader causes Luke to lose his lightsaber), so he has to get one of his own (Luke again). Then the hero lives because of Murtagh's (Vader's) mercy out of brotherly (fatherly) love.
Sequel: Return of the Dragon Rider.
Three Prequels planned as well.
Eragon is a ripoff. Aquaria is not. Aquaria is a tribute to all preceeding games of the same genre. It's hardly revolutionary. What's groundbreaking is that such a game can still be fresh. It's more of a revival than anything.