Just persevere with it for a bit. It takes a wee while to get the knack of jumping from cog to cog but once you figure out the best route you should manage OK.
I guess you could also try using nature form's spiked plant to boost you up to the higher levels of cogs (since the hardest bit of jumping is actually near the bottom of the cogs in my opinion. However it might be a bit tricky to boost yourself in the right direction.
Oh yeah and while I remember to mention it, I always found it easier to wall jump and so on in normal form if possible. I odn't know if it was a psychological thing but Naija seems to grip to the wall for a fraction of a second more in normal form than in, say, beast form, and give an extra half second or so of reaction time. But like I said that might have just been psychological, all I can say for sure is I fucked up wall jumping a lot less in normal form!