Here's a proposal for an edit to the first post. I substituted { for [ to disable bbcode so you'd need to replace them back to get the markup.
{b]Q. When will the game be released?{/b]
When it's done

{b]Q. What platform(s) will Aquaria be on?{/b]
PC: Yes
Mac: Yes
Details: The Mac version will be published by Ambrosia. Bit Blot is doing the work of porting the Mac version, with Ambrosia providing advice and beta testing. Currently the Mac version already runs well! We'll be making more Mac specific changes after the PC version is complete.
Linux: Yes
Details: The Linux version will be released after the PC version and will probably be a separate purchase. There's {url=]a video of Aquaria running on Ubuntu{/url] on the blog.
XBox360: Maybe!
Wii/PS3: Maybe?
NintendoDS: Maybe?
{b]Q. How is the game controlled?{/b]
On PC, you can use either just the mouse, the XBox360 controller or keyboard+mouse. You can switch to a control method by just starting to use it. Support for other game pads will probably not be added for the first release. You'll also be able to customize the controls somewhat. The main goal with the mouse and X360 methods is fluidity.
The in-game menu can be brought up with a button by the mini-map or the "escape" key; the spell menu is accessed with the right mouse button. For Mac-users lacking a two-button mouse, there will be some key equivalent, such as ctrl-click or cmd-click.
{b]Q. How long is the game?{/b]
We haven't done a lot of testing on this yet. Until we have, we can say it will depend a lot on how the player wants to experience the game. Those who want to push to the next objective will have a different experience from those who get caught up in exploring, finding secrets or feeling like they're living in the different areas. The world is really big.
{b]Q. What inspired Aquaria?{/b]
The ocean itself is a huge inspiration! There are so many {url=]strange things{/url] to be found in it. In terms of the gameplay; Metroid1, Zelda1 and Castlevania: SotN are the most fitting inspirations.
{b]Q. Are there going to be any deliberate references to other games in Aquaria?{/b]
We're not going to put explicit references to other games in Aquaria because we feel it would take away from the legitimacy of the experience.
{b]Q. Can I get a review copy for my site?{/b]
The game isn't finished yet. Until its done, we can't really answer this question!
{b]Q. How much will Aquaria cost?{/b]
Still thinking about this.
{b]Q. Will Aquaria be distributed via Valve's Steam?{/b]
It's a definite possibility. However, we intend to release the game on our own website before we look at alternate distribution methods. ({url=]discussion topic{/url])
{b]Q. How big will the download size for the full version be?{/b]
Likely over 100MB. There's a lot of content in Aquaria!
{b]Q. Do you have any plans for a Demo?{/b]
Why, yes we do! It's uncertain right now whether the demo will contain its own storyline, or be the opening chapter of the full game. ({url=]discussion topic{/url])
{b]Q. What about a level editor for user generated content?{/b]
The game will include a level editor, animation editor; all the creatures/events are scripted and the particles effects are editable files. ({url=]discussion topic{/url])
{b]Q. Do you have any plans for the next games you would like to develop?{/b]
Yeah, we have a pretty clear idea of what we want to work on next. Its exciting, but we can't spend much time on it until we've finished the PC version of Aquaria.
{b]Q. I want to work with you guys. Is emailing you up and acting like a dick a good idea?{/b]