Glad you guys are doing well!! Very glad actually! I'm not even done Aquaria yet, but I can honestly say it's in my top ten favorite games of all time! I really can't wait to see what else you guys can do! Perhaps... a return to... dare I say.. Trigger Happy 2!! Muwahahaha. But seriously, I played that demo atleast 50 times. I wish I could still play it....
I really hope you guys can get Aquaria up on Steam and/or Xbox Live Arcade. That will not only bring you guys a heck of a lot more sales, but it'll bring you a lot of recognition as well. Regardless, I'm glad things are going well, keep up the good work, Aquaria is amazing. Enjoy that long nap

Edit: I just found the BES mirror. And yes, I'm downloading that demo, and yes, I'm going to play it for the next two hours.