I would like to recommend a game:

http://www.thewitcher.com/community/en/screenshots/latest/I have been playing this game since release and it KICKS ASS. In gameplay it most closely resembles Fable, although it freedoms are more reasonable and there is much more depth to the world.
Unlike Fable, you have a more-or-less defined character, Geralt. Polish members may recognise him, from the works of Andrzej Sapkowski. There is even a so-so TV series about him, which is great to watch, although some changes had to be made for the TV series. Annnnd Saphowski wanted to denounce his polish citizenship when he saw it.
Geralt is a witcher, a professional monster hunter and a mutant. To-be-witchers are taken as children, most often orphans, and undergo a series of painful mutations done by magic and chemicals/herbs, after which they are sterile but immune to diseases, can see in the dark, can drink a variety of useful potions that would be otherwise poisonous and are generally stronger and faster.
Even if you don't know him or the world he is in very well, it doesn't matter. In the game, he has amnesia after supposedly dying (had supposedly a pitchfork driven trough his chest) thus everything is explained to you without breaking atmosphere. Geralt's amnesia serves no other purpouse then to help the player get aquinted with the world and Geralt's old friends.
The graphics are neat, and incredibly realistic. And I don't mean high-def textures, but everything is ridiculously detailed and atmospheric. There are rats, cats, birds and even monkey-like creatures you stumble upon. Effects are nice. The areas are very believable and realistic, especially Visima.
Gameplay is indulging and addictive to say the least. Story-wise your decisions will effect you and will have consequences. And there are women as well, as Geralt seems to have been a big lady's man. There is sex in the game, although not porn. Some of these sequences are either interesting or funny.
Combat is tactical RPG but easily learned and without any numbers you have to crunch trough. You can't just madly click the mouse, as you have to time your attacks. Time them right, and you can deliver a much more crushing blow then otherwise. You have three fighting styles and two swords, each you must use with care. The right sword and the right style can easily make chop liver of your hardest opponents.
There is no grinding in the game, although it does help. Levels do not matter that much, and distributing your earned points is a fairly trivial affair with no true bad decisions (except that if you get a bronze from a mutagen potion, use that on mutagen-only skills!).
Decisions you make in dialogues on the other hand, matter very much. You have to choose sides in the game, and not always with people that are good or evil, but with a very realistic beat.
Music is fantastic, great for fantasy yet still somewhat new.
Overall, a very smooth, polished game.