One possible idea I can think of regarding the cape (Until a better solution presents itself) is:
- Make the cape invisible (avatar_setCape(false) or whatnot :p )
- Attach a simple entity, latch it onto Naija (As you would in Character Replacement) but it's pretty much invisible except...
- Initialise some Hair on this entity, and use whatever graphics you want for the cape (Check a good example for the Naupilous (sp) entity in Guert's Mod)
I *may* be right in assuming Naija is rendered in front of other entities, so automatically the 'hair' is rendered behind her.
Technically you could do this with multiply entities, so you could in theory have both a cape and some long, flowing hair, or perhaps some kind of long flowing garment as well (Kimono?)
Downside of this is that Naija's cape already has built in (I'm assuming) movement to represent currents/swaying (Noticed when you sit still), while hair by standard (unless you script it otherwise) just follows along behind you.
As for faces, I recall reading that the setFace command had to be called constantly because Naija's face graphic was constantly set to something in the base code. You'd probably at least have to make replacements for *all* the head frames for Naija to be on the safe side... Failing that, I've no idea