This is a very simple mod that allows users to mix-and-match various items of clothing on Naija.
WARNING: Dressup Mod is NOT compatible with ANY mods that change the graphics of Naija!
Additionally, you need the latest OSE update, located --->>>
HERE <<<---
If there is a costume that you would like added to this mod, please let me know.
Also be aware that there are some costumes that, by nature, I will not implement. (for example, Alien Naija-related costumes)
-Click the arrows next to Naija to cycle through different clothing items. From top to bottom: head, body, arms, legs.
-Click the head buttons to switch Naija's current outfit to the indicated set. Nice text shows up under the cursor to tell you its name

-Click the arrows in the upper left to cycle through a selection of Naija's animations. The text between them is the animation's name.
-Click the Verse Icon (above Naija) to cycle between forms. This changes what's under the stuff Naija's wearing

-Click the X button to free Naija (and return her to her normal proportions).
-Click the X button again to have Naija return to the editor.
-In free-roam mode, go down from the editor to zoom in on Naija.

Download link:
New Version [1.0] [fgenesis' database]Old Version [0.5] [Mediafire]Git RepositorySupported Costumes:
-All Default Costumes (uses AlwaysNaijaFix version of Mutant costume)
-Form Costumes from AlwaysNaijaFix
-Nature Form
-Mithalas girls 1 and 2
-Li from Swap (gives Naija Li's diver suit... and hairstyle)
-Mithalan Priestess
-Zerosuit by Alphasoldier (from Costume Mod) [REMOVED]
-Pirate Naija by EntiteFred
-Corrupted Armor by m4dguy
-Bird "Form" by Fawpaw
-Snake Costume by Fawpaw
-Specbird by Fawpaw
-0.5: Original release.
-1.0: Added animation cycle feature.
Added costume name popups for head buttons.
Added four new costumes (possibility of a fifth soon!).
Vastly reworked internal design.
Added form change feature.
Removed zerosuit (didn't work well with new system).
Added hairstyle changes for ALL forms (including normal).
Now uses new Naija XML from Sequel Mod for better animations
Now utilizes custom cape from Sequel Mod to show cape in editor
-Alec and Derek (for this game)
-Alphasoldier (for the zerosuit costume) [zerosuit removed]
-EntiteFred (for Pirate Naija costume)
-fgenesis, Daxar, and all the IRC chat regulars for their support
-Fawpaw and Peri for more costume gfx
-m4dguy for corrupted costume