He used to host a lot of the small collection of mods that Aquaria has, and it's been so long that most of the ones Alec hosted were all that were available (dead links, no mirrors). He does not respond to emails.
I downloaded most of them a while before he stopped hosting them, thankfully. By using this forum's search, and spending hours on Google, Bing, I managed to find mirrors to help me verify that the contents of my archives are most likely not corrupted.
However, I'm missing BeautyOfAquaria_v1.0.5.rar, CostumeMod.rar, Pirate.rar, Sacrifice_v1.04.rar mirrors so that I can verify them against my own backups.
I am including a hash inside each of the archives, as well as hashing the archive itself, so that is why it is important to me to be sure I am not preserving corrupt data.
If anyone has the archives I'm looking for, please upload them for me.