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Author Topic: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)  (Read 8987 times)

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Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« on: July 10, 2015, 06:33:18 am »
He used to host a lot of the small collection of mods that Aquaria has, and it's been so long that most of the ones Alec hosted were all that were available (dead links, no mirrors). He does not respond to emails.

I downloaded most of them a while before he stopped hosting them, thankfully. By using this forum's search, and spending hours on Google, Bing, I managed to find mirrors to help me verify that the contents of my archives are most likely not corrupted.

However, I'm missing BeautyOfAquaria_v1.0.5.rar, CostumeMod.rar, Pirate.rar, Sacrifice_v1.04.rar mirrors so that I can verify them against my own backups.

I am including a hash inside each of the archives, as well as hashing the archive itself, so that is why it is important to me to be sure I am not preserving corrupt data.

If anyone has the archives I'm looking for, please upload them for me.

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2015, 12:29:15 pm »
I do have most of the things somewhere, but i do generally not care to archive older versions if there is a newer version.

See http://fg.wzff.de/pub/aquaria/ -- I'll go through my disk later today and look for other things to upload.

I didn't find the old versions of BeautyOfAquaria and Sacrifice right here, but the latter is on moddb: http://www.moddb.com/games/aquaria/mods

Note that i have most of the mods in the in-game downloader in an updated version. The directory structure can't be accessed, but maybe the page source helps: http://fg.wzff.de/aqmods/

If you have data you want to share please do, I can host them (direct links and all that).

EDIT: I also archive fanart unless their authors have stated not to re-host it: http://fg.wzff.de/gallery/?dir=aquaria_fanart
EDIT: I also have magic of aquaria (which has never been finished nor released), but I can't release it since it's not mine and it would be a respectless leak. But rest assured it's not lost.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 12:36:19 pm by False.Genesis »

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Re: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2018, 05:49:20 am »
I'm glad you've been archiving mods and fanart. With this small fandom, you never know when something might  disappear. There have been two wikis for the game and they're both gone. Anyway, any chance you might contact one of the creators of Magic of Aquaria to see if they'd be okay with you releasing what you have?

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Re: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2018, 02:31:34 pm »
Hmm.. since i'd helped out at some point to convert the old 1.1.1 scripts to the updated scripting interface... the mod wouldn't run properly, i think. Not everything was converted and some other things did maybe work but i was unsure.
I'll see to contact them and ask.

Also, i'd be glad if someone else also archived these things. Too much has already been lost since I was unable to grab everything. And i sure don't want to be the only person hosting & keeping backups...

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Re: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2018, 05:11:02 pm »
I have BeautyOfAquaria_v1.0.5.rar, CostumeMod.zip, Pirate.rar, Sacrifice_v1.11.zip, and other mods I downloaded in 2010.

I've zipped up all the mods I have and uploaded them here:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/bop1alcr0p1rrol/Aquaria%20Mods.zip

Thanks to XDemon666 for posting on the the Aquaria Wiki asking about Beauty of Aquaria, without that question, I wouldn't have known people needed these.

Please share these, repost the link where-ever you like, and reupload the mods individually if you like.  Let's not let these be lost to time!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 05:49:51 pm by user452 »

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Re: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2018, 02:58:17 am »
Done, thanks a lot for sharing!

Zip contents accessible here: http://fg.wzff.de/pub/aquaria/oldstuff/mods_by_user452/