There were some changes in the iPad scripts, most notably:
if chance(1) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("LoafOfLife", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
if chance(10) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("PlumpPerogi", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
if chance(20) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("HotBorscht", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
if chance(30) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("ArcanePoultice", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
spawnIngredient("VeggieCake", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
I don't know what this 0 in ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0) does (the function does not exist on the pc), whether it sets the ingredient to never despawn, or if it makes it disappear immediately. Pretty sure #2 is what's happening.
To fix this, try opening the aquaria.dat file with a hex editor, find the coward script (should be uncompressed, unlike most other content in there) and change the 4 occurences of
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
--g_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
For me this is roughly around offset 0D15B100. Alternatively search for
STATE_COWARD. No idea if this will work but it's worth a try. Otherwise, use the PC version.
No idea about the PoisonLoaf thingy, sorry. All i know is that there's 3 possibilities to make a PoisonLoaf:
PoisonLoaf + PoisonLoaf = PoisonLoaf
RottenMeat + Anything = PoisonLoaf
Anything + PoisonSoup = PoisonLoaf