Yeah, thanks. I forgot that part. I do go over the pencil with a pen, and then erase; sometimes it gets messy and sometimes the pencil shows through, but I can usually clean it up in PS. It helps to use permanent markers for outlining and coloring. At first I was trying not to outline everything in black because of the cartoony look, and used lighter colors, but then later after some feedback I started using a fine black outline and amped up the shading. Also, Derek advised doing the drawings at least twice as large as the final product and he's so right; anytime I do things too small, they look too "rough". If your rendering skills aren't that great, try the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. I used that with some exercises of my own to teach a lot of people, both kids and adults, how to draw people and other creatures realistically. It's a case of moving into the right side of the brain, the spatial side. Everyone has the capacity to draw as well as they like. There are just some tricks to help the left side of the brain to get bored and take a break from controlling the mind. No talent required!