Okay, it's finished. Not as good as the above picture, but I still think it's okay.
Oh, and the quality didn't turn out as good as I would have liked because I had to photograph this.
EDIT: Okay, that looks horrible. Gonna try to mess with the lighting a bit.
Heh, maybe I should have drawn sun form instead. Here's a bigger version, don't know if it helps.
So, originally this was going to be Naija in energy form approaching the god. I drew that one, decided I should make another, started it. Got sick. Busy. Then procrastination hit. By the time I got around to finishing it, the part I started was all smudged and the paper was pretty crumpled. Fortunately, the really great picture reposted just before mine motivated me to make another one. First I was going to have the energy god as a silhouette with glowing eyes. Then a shadow. Then, as I started adding more detail to the cave, I decided to scrap him altogether. Also, I decided to leave Naija in normal form since I just thought she looked better that way, although she was supposed to be 'holding' fire in her hands, which is why they are in such a strange position.