Heh. Stalky, nice work; but I did find that I had to block it for my eye security. xD
But if no one else has a problem with it you can leave it since its blocked for me now.
Comic would be fun to read I'm sure Zoko

And modding..while it is really good, it didn't really get so far off the ground until the more recent patches where we were able to get and use the main game content to make mods with. It's a bit of an ask if you have to draw every tile and recreate every node as well as design maps and stuff. But by the time that came out a few people had already given up and left. That plus the fact that as a small indie game the community has never been huge and diverse enough to have tonnes of epic mods around...
Do feel free to make some stuff though, it can be quite fun. I demonstrated that with a simple energy-form battle arena type thing.