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Author Topic: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier  (Read 63669 times)

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Offline Alec

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #45 on: December 18, 2007, 03:45:23 pm »
Actually there's an editor command that lets you type in a string and it'll generate the Aquarian for you. I just wanted to keep it disabled until people had a chance to figure it out themselves. Now that they have, I think I'll add it back in on the next patch.

Offline DominicWhite

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #46 on: December 18, 2007, 05:01:20 pm »
Back on the subject of difficulty, I noticed there was talk about having a basic 'you have less/more health, enemies have more/less' deal.

Please don't. While it's a quick and easy route to making the game easier or harder, I've always found it to reek of quick half-measure design.

Personally, I think the best games to do multiple difficulty settings are games by Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear, Zone of the Enders), the Silent Hill games, and the Doom series. Oh, and Ninja Gaiden: Black on the Xbox.

In the case of MGS/ZoE, your choice of difficulty skews the 'rules' of the game more or less in your favour. On the easiest settings in MGS, guards are half-blind, have low attention spans, will overlook things like lockers when searching a room, etc etc. On the highest settings, they're alert, attentive and capable. ZoE did even better. Enemies will behave differently on higher settings. A single 'grunt' enemy will be fodder on a lower setting, but on a higher setting will deliberately hang back near friends and make hit and run attacks, retreating to be repaired if needs be.

No new content, but by changing some behaviour variables, the game feels both fresh AND newly challenging.

Silent Hill gave players two difficulty sets. You pick both the difficulty of combat, and the complexity of puzzles seperately. So someone looking more for an adventure game can play with easy combat (low, weak enemies) and complex puzzles (more pieces, vaguer clues, more complex solutions etc).

And Doom went the 'badass' route. The higher the difficulty setting, the more enemies there were. Pure and simple. Easily done (at least during intial design - harder to add later on), but it's a simple route to providing replay value through multiple difficulties.

NG: Black probably went the most difficult route. On each new difficulty setting, the entire game is 'remixed'. New enemy types, different weapon/item placement, weaker enemies replaced with tougher ones. It meant that each time through, the game felt new AND harder. Always a good thing. It gave the game collosal replay value.

All of these are great ways of doing difficulty scaling. Personally, I'd like to see the MGS/ZoE approach for later updates to Aquaria. If AI variables can be changed, enemies could be made more interestingly dangerous. Pirahnas could move less predictably and faster, or perhaps larger enemy types could have a chance to split into multiple smaller ones on death. Interesting quirks and variants that would keep an experienced player on their toes. Likewise, for lower settings, enemies could generally behave more passively. React a little slower, not 'aggro' until the player is closer. All that jazz.

But this is just my thoughts. I'd love to see some of these elements added by either Bit-Blot or modders.

However, one thing I'd be 110% behind is the idea of new official/semi-official expansion campaigns, as brought up by Alec. A new story, with gameplay shifted more towards story/exporation/puzzling/action/whatever. I'd gladly pay £5-10 for another full campaign with a fresh angle, even if it reused a lot of content from the base game.

While I'm happy with the campaign as it is, I have a friend who was almost scared off the game once she found the Energy form - the whole game got a little too actiony for her tastes, and she mentioned that she didn't really start having fun again until she found the Fish form and was able to use it to avoid combat. Some folks just want a huge underwater world to explore. Others want a world full of fishy-flavoured death lasers and energy shots. I'd love to see a campaign in that vein myself, but I'm a bit of a hardcase when it comes to games.

Whatever Bit-Blot or the mod community come up with, I'm eagerly awaiting the results with bated breath.

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #47 on: December 19, 2007, 07:13:16 am »
In all our haste to open the main game, lets not forget that the expansion ability of the current modding system is great. Maybe not at first, but more experianced modders would find it better.

Personally if I ever get any good I want to make an expansion/'sequal' that relies more on ground based movement. There would be a series of islands with caves all through them, and the caves would be partly under the water and partly out of it. That type of thing can be made well with the mod system we have.

And what was that Alec about a command to generate 'The Aquarian"? What is the aquarian? Is that the main game's maps or something?
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Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #48 on: December 19, 2007, 09:44:40 am »
And what was that Alec about a command to generate 'The Aquarian"? What is the aquarian? Is that the main game's maps or something?
He is talking about the Aquarian script you see throughout the game (also in the main menu before it fades to regular English letters).
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Offline DragonXVI

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #49 on: December 19, 2007, 10:12:18 am »
However, one thing I'd be 110% behind is the idea of new official/semi-official expansion campaigns, as brought up by Alec. A new story, with gameplay shifted more towards story/exporation/puzzling/action/whatever. I'd gladly pay £5-10 for another full campaign with a fresh angle, even if it reused a lot of content from the base game

This is more or less what the project Aquaria Adventure is about isn't it? Shift out the action orientated parts of Aquaria into a more puzzle/exploration/ambient sort of thing - Would appeal to a lot of people too
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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #50 on: October 12, 2008, 05:15:59 pm »
Speaking for us modders working on aquaria, will we be granted access to an unpacked form of the data.000 001 etc files sometime here in the future? It really would speed up the process of learning how to implement the lua scripts that are in the game currently and also help with creating new ones. Plus it would be nice to get access to all that wonderful artwork that Derek has put a lot of time into. I suppose a big reason this hasn't happened yet is because of the contents of music and the soon to be released OST correct? Modding is getting pretty frustrating with the current version. Looking forward to the next release!! I can't wait till it the release for the mac is out of the way so I don't have to wait so damn long. :/

Offline silverflagon

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #51 on: October 12, 2008, 06:12:38 pm »
I'm not surprised that some just like the imersion and with some added puzzles, but for me the wonderful balance of all three in Aquaria is just right, I would miss the action if it were removed and the same with the puzzles and the calm areas. After a big fight with OP the calmer waters are a balm to the soul lol

Whoops please pass nothing happenning here ladies and gentlemen, just a crazy woman forgetting to check the dates  :-[

Thank you DM for being gentle with your heads up  :-*
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 12:42:24 am by silverflagon »

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #52 on: October 12, 2008, 06:24:47 pm »
Silver, those posts are old, this is in regards as to getting more information on scripting and the original artwork. I could care less for an easier version. I think the game is just right in aspect of the game. Just hurting in the mod support, imo.

Offline silverflagon

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #53 on: October 13, 2008, 12:44:00 am »
Silver, those posts are old, this is in regards as to getting more information on scripting and the original artwork. I could care less for an easier version. I think the game is just right in aspect of the game. Just hurting in the mod support, imo.
Thank you DM sorry about that, I've put a strike through it so everyone should know that it's irelivant ::)

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #54 on: October 13, 2008, 09:16:26 am »
No worries.      ....*slap* lol

Offline silverflagon

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #55 on: October 13, 2008, 05:40:01 pm »
No worries.      ....*slap* lol
Ouch I deserved that one tyhanks DM :p lol

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Offline Chibi

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #56 on: October 13, 2008, 11:18:29 pm »
Is it me, or is the forum getting a little slap-happy? Lol.  ;D

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2008, 11:43:10 pm »
Is it me, or is the forum getting a little slap-happy? Lol.  ;D

*SLAP!*          ...shuh. :D

Offline silverflagon

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2008, 01:35:15 am »
I wonder why? but yes for now untill we get bored or sore depending on what occurs first ::)  lol

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Offline rinkuhero

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Re: Opening up default Aquaria adventure in Editor / making world easier
« Reply #59 on: October 22, 2008, 12:13:39 am »
I know this is late, but I agree that just reducing damage taken and increasing damage inflicted and increasing ingredient drops and healing power wouldn't make the game casual. If I were to recommend strategies for making the game casual, here are a few suggestions:

- Fewer enemies. Just removing a few here and there so that the world is less populated with them. Replace them with more friendly creatures which don't harm you, but just swim around and add to the atmosphere of the game.

- Hints for the bosses. Perhaps when the player dies, a hint on how to kill the boss would appear. These hints could get gradually more specific. Another possibility is to reduce the HP of the bosses each time the player tries and fails to kill it. After enough tries, its HP might be only half or a third of what it would be normally.

I think those two alone would do it. You wouldn't need to tweak anything numerically, and it'd make the game much more casual-friendly.