Hey, did I read correctly that you mapped the Wii remote to the mouse and played Aquaria like that?
I believe that GlovePIE takes the input through your BlueTooth receiver and, in the case of mapping it to mouse m0vements, moves the position of the Windows mouse cursor. That being said, what Aquaria does with the mouse input, and what windows does with the mouse input are two totally different things and I thought that mapping the Wiimote to Windows' cursor will not affect Aquaria's mouse input.
I could be wrong, but that is what makes sense.
So what I'm trying to ask is: "Are you using a program (for example PPJoy) to map the Wii input to a virtual joystick (via GlovePIE), and then in Aquaria's options, selecting joystick/gamepad control settings?"
The reason why I'm asking: If you are mapping to joystick input, it could be possible for the developers to create a mouse look and joypad movement configuration... But easier said than done still...
BTW: I have scripted in GlovePIE a little. Maybe the topic of scripting could be a new sub development/mod thread.
Only reason why I haven't tried using Wiimote on Aquaria earlier is my batteries ran out. It certainly does seem like an obvious controller to try the game with though.