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Author Topic: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]  (Read 17689 times)

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Offline Dozin

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Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« on: December 15, 2007, 10:21:26 pm »
Hey everyone.

Here's a video showing Aquaria being played using a Wii remote.


The remote is connected to the PC via bluetooth. GlovePIE allows the remote to move the mouse cursor.

The buttons mapped are:

B = Left mouse click
A = Right mouse click
Home = World map

Does anyone have experience scripting in GlovePIE?

Offline Crizzle

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2007, 10:29:27 pm »

Damn, nicely done. Looks like a good fun. Any comments on how playing with the Wii controller? Better? Worse?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2007, 10:45:18 pm »
It looks a bit imprecise for singing (which is to be expected), but otherwise looks great!  Nice vid.

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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2007, 12:06:57 am »
Would love to try that sometime, seeing I'm totally addicted to my Wii, I played with it not 10 minutes ago!
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Offline DavidBeoulve

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2007, 12:49:41 am »
I have a Wii (camped out prior to last Christmas), four kids, four Wiimotes and waaaay too many Wii games.

Having played Geometry Wars: Galaxies extensively, however, I'm not sure that games involving pointing where you want to go/aim are good with Wiimotes. It's easier to use the Classic Controller and, in the case of Aquaria, a mouse.

However, that said, I'm happy to see the tools with which to get those fantastic devices working with a PC are coming along so well.

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2007, 04:02:41 am »
I actualy play the game that way - not with a Wii Remote, but with a wireless Gyromouse, pointing it at the screen where I want the mouse to move.  Works amazingly well, gives a real sense of free-swimming.  The only problem I have is I only have a thumb over the buttons, which makes it hard to swim and shoot at the same time - so for boss fights or intense situations I switch to keyboard+mouse.  A Wii Remote would have that problem solved.

Another vote for a Wii edition of Aquaria!

Offline Dozin

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2007, 09:03:48 am »
The wiimote works surprisingly well. It kinda feels like the game was designed for a wiimote.

I haven't tested the wiimote in any intense battle situations, but I figure it'll work almost as good as the "FPS-style" mouse/keyboard combo if I attach a nunchuck. The only problem I can think of is the issue I saw in the support forum where someone couldn't get a gamepad and mouse to work at the same time. If I attach the nunchuck, I would have to "bind" the analog control stick of the nunchuck to a "virtual" gamepad at the same time the remote is "bound" to a virtual mouse.

I'm currently trying to modify the GlovePIE script so that you can do some interesting things like shake the wiimote whenever you want to swirl, or move the wiimote closer to/further from the screen whenever you want to zoom in/out of the worldmap.

I actualy play the game that way - not with a Wii Remote, but with a wireless Gyromouse, pointing it at the screen where I want the mouse to move.  Works amazingly well, gives a real sense of free-swimming.

I've always wondered how those gyromice worked in games. Post a video if you can!  ;)

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2007, 06:51:35 pm »
Well, the Gyromouse is just the motion-sensing part of the Wii Remote inserted into an optical mouse, so if you've used the Wii Remote, you've used a Gyromouse :)  It moves the mouse on the screen as you tilt the mouse up and down, left and right, relational to how you move the gyromouse (rather than an absolute point based on where the mouse currently is tilted).  The only real change from the Wii Remote is a trigger - you hold the trigger down when you want the mouse to move as you point, let go to have it stop sending messages, or you can double-click it to have it constantly moving (which is the best mode for Aquaria).

Offline ulix

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2007, 07:04:05 pm »
The only problem I can think of is the issue I saw in the support forum where someone couldn't get a gamepad and mouse to work at the same time. If I attach the nunchuck, I would have to "bind" the analog control stick of the nunchuck to a "virtual" gamepad at the same time the remote is "bound" to a virtual mouse.

Couldn't you just map the WASD keys to the Nunchuk analogue-stick? Sure, it wouldn't be analogue anymore, but I think Aquaria anyhow only has two swimming speeds (not sure about that).

But yeah, playing with Wiimote and Nunchuck would be absolutely sweet.

Offline Andrew

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Re: Aquaria with Wii Remote [video]
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2007, 02:32:06 am »
Hey, did I read correctly that you mapped the Wii remote to the mouse and played Aquaria like that?

I believe that GlovePIE takes the input through your BlueTooth receiver and, in the case of mapping it to mouse m0vements, moves the position of the Windows mouse cursor. That being said, what Aquaria does with the mouse input, and what windows does with the mouse input are two totally different things and I thought that mapping the Wiimote to Windows' cursor will not affect Aquaria's mouse input.

I could be wrong, but that is what makes sense.

So what I'm trying to ask is: "Are you using a program (for example PPJoy) to map the Wii input to a virtual joystick (via GlovePIE), and then in Aquaria's options, selecting joystick/gamepad control settings?"

The reason why I'm asking: If you are mapping to joystick input,  it could be possible for the developers to create a mouse look and joypad movement configuration... But easier said than done still...

BTW: I have scripted in GlovePIE a little. Maybe the topic of scripting could be a new sub development/mod thread.
 Only reason why I haven't tried using Wiimote on Aquaria earlier is my batteries ran out. It certainly does seem like an obvious controller to try the game with though.
