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So uhm, What's this Brine Soup at the end of the log? Just a joke or a last thing that was removed from the game so it would have exactly 50 ingredients?
Brine Soup????spawnIngredient name unknown, does not appear in spawnAllIngredients
I found a lot of these before I got to the body by messing around in the kitchen I'm guessing that if you have the ingredients, the frying pans and the wherewithall to get messy then it's not cheating right? I accidently came up with a good method for testing whether it's loaf or not and not loosing any ingredients. no hacks, completly in game methods, any guesses? it gave me the freedom to test pretty much everything, suprisingly find a half a dozen recipies, make notes, then go back to a save point and redo it just so.