Yeah, I used to feel bad about the fish thing - originally I didn't even like hunting. Now I see it a bit differently, in part because this play through I did hunt so much. I use what I get. Now, if a creature doesn't drop anything (that I know) and isn't trying to kill me, but I still kill it, I do feel a bit guilty in my teeny black heart

Like the fish in Home Waters who likes to steal your hunting drops... I'll kill him for stealing. There's some weird creature right before you go into Mithalas Cathedral that will follow you around.... I don't remember if it hurts you when it hits you or not (it's the grey/gray thing that looks like it has a big nasty jaw) and when you do kill it, it has one of those centered death scene explosion things. Did I have to kill that? I don't know and that did bother me a little at the time.
And yeah, Aquaria is more about the freedom to do things, so I agree that if something is in the game it should be killable.... but I'd love to turn off the kill the monkeys action

all the same. I don't have a particular love for monkeys, but still I feel really weird if I kill one.... hence the trying to put a dead monkey back in the tree day haha. Edit: I also don't kill turtles, whales, or dolphins - I didn't ever drop anything from them, so I stopped. Same with the otters, although I have no problem mugging them for whatever they have.
Also, whenever I'm in the Veil I always want to be able to fly.... there's just so much of the Veil's airspace that I haven't been able to see when jumping or climbing. I almost feel like I wish I could bind myself and then use telekinesis or whatever the Bind song is powered by in order to fly around.
Anyway, happy playing