There must be sooooooo many sounds. And most of them are probably a second or two long.
Well, I was figuring it would be done a bit differently than the Jukebox mod. Instead, it would show the names of some number of sounds at a time (maybe 16 or 20, displayed in two columns), and you could click on the name to play the sound once, rather than in a loop. You could page through the list in a similar fashion to the recipe list in the game.
I'd really like it, because it would allow me to go back and listen to dialog clips from the game. I've been toying with the idea of going ahead and doing it, but I have a son that's due to be born any time now, so I can't really commit to something like that at this point. I could get around to it eventually, when things calm down, but my feelings would not be hurt if someone else beat me to it. The main thing that would be tricksy would be getting the entire list of sound clips!