Lol omfg. for some reason I thought I tested eating hot soup and dashing out of water and I didn't get higher... I guess I was wrong. I managed to get the helm though. By scaling the overhanging cliffs with nature form. Man was that hard. I'm kind of glad I did it that way though because it left me with a great sense of accomplishment. I also got to the top of both shafts before the sun boss without raising the water first ( a similar doh moment when I beat him and learned I could just swim up there). For another great accomplished feeling after a bit of frustration, I made it to the broken window above the sun boss from the outside ^_^. Which brings me to my next point thats a little more on topic.
If this game was easy, and/or you always knew where to go where would that sense of accomplishment be? I love that there is no hint system. Beating the game with all the momories etc, without reading this forum required enough willpower as it was. If there was an in game hint system I would have read it long ago and regretted it. I love that there are save points, and they aren't scattered everywhere. Ever try to play WC3 or TFT campaign in hard mode? It's actually very easy., save every 5 minutes. every battle owned np. The only thing that I can think of to appease the people who want to save anywhere so they can play casually or whatever, is a system that allows you to have one save file that can be saved anywhere, but it clears itself when you load it. Either that or some sort of 'hard-core' system that penalizes you for dieing. Oops I wrote way more than I meant to.