I don't get it... why the hell is everybody complaining about no given directions...
I mean - this game is an exploring game... it was said 2 years before that it's going to be an exploring
adventure and that exploring is very important and so on and so on...
Now tell me where is the sense in an exploring game if you get directions or clues...
That wouldn't be exploring. And It's bull that mithalas is too hard in the beginning. I did it before I entered kelp forest
and the veil... and I had no probs ( except the boss... but after 1 hour of brute force and many aggressions later, when I realized he's not to beat with only shooting - it was very satisfying to see that son of a UnicornT-RexMutant die )
what I wanted to say: this is an exploring game...
so if you don't like exploring on youre own, ask youre mommy to help ya or don't download this game.
To complain about a not existing finger that tells you where to go next in a FREE exploring game would be like complaining about a missing love story in DOOM.
by the way - I love that you have absolutely no clue where to go to next, if anybody didn't notice
It's just like back than on planet Zebes, there weren't any clues either