I'll add my 2 cents into this then.
I'll second
www.schlockmercenary.com. Pretty damn funny at times, and he's never missed a single day in the many years he's been doing the comic. Family-friendly too, but still has plenty of innuendo at times. Also good for science fiction lovers too.
Then there's
www.somethingpositive.net. Real funny stuff at times, yet can be emotional at times as well. Also can be just plain *wrong* at times. But in a good way. Case in point - the very first strip involves the main character giving his ex-girlfriend a baby shower gift - a wire hanger. I highly recommend it though, but it could be a bit offensive at times, and is definitely not family friendly. =P And while you are at it, check out his other related comic, Midnight Macabre.
How about a couple fantasy ones then? Firstly, there's
www.realmofatland.com. Funny, twisted, bizarre, and more! And plenty of fan-service for the guys out there.
And next, there's a fairly recent one,
www.lfgcomic.com. Take a bit of World of Warcraft, Drizzt, Sword of Truth, Wheel of Time, and others, add humor, shake well, throw in a mass-murdering warlock (rather similar to 8-Bit Theater's Black Mage, but even better, and not so inept) for good measure. There's even a horribly violent movie on YouTube starring the aforementioned warlock, seen here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbazH6aE2g Although, the comic itself isn't quite so violent, so don't get the wrong impression from the video. They're even supposed to me making a full length animation too.
Hmm, there's a few others I can think of. But those are the ones I try to keep up with regularly. So, I'll just end this here.