Alright, it seems like MediaWiki is the most popular choice, so I've prepared an
installation of MediaWiki for use as an Aquaria wiki. Right now I haven't done much in the way of configuration or customization; if the community decides to use this wiki then I'll make a logo and put some effort into the front pages and such. If not...I'll just quietly take it down.

(I also still have to enable uploads. I'll get to it, be patient...)
By putting this up, I'm promising to preserve the content you post to it. If, for whatever reason, I am unable to continue to host the wiki, I promise to work with the community to get the content transitioned to a new home.
I don't anticipate that this will consume much bandwidth. Like I said above, I can handle a couple gigs a month, and I really think this should be plenty for what we want to do. If I'm wrong...well, we'll cross that bridge when we reach it.