I'm not sure why you think it's okay to repost information from a password-protected website? Please don't do it again or I'll remove your access.
Oh man. No comment about this one. Now I wouldn't want to be tester anymore. :'(
It's not like he leaked any code/data/übersecrets or whatever. *sigh*
(No, I'm not complaining. Just trying to prevent bad mood from creeping up. I heard the internet is easily annoyed and unforgiving.)
Really, this ought to be simple: If a site is password-protected, then the site's owner doesn't want the information to be public. If you make it public, you should expect to be censured.
For the record, I don't hold any hard feelings against GMMan personally, especially since it was (as you say) a trivial leak, and I probably would have responded with mostly the same information myself. Nonetheless, the proper thing to do would have been to wait for Alec or me to respond. It's not as though a few hours' delay would mean the end of the world, after all. (:
Besides, what does SIL mean? Your own library or something else?
SIL is my own library, which I started writing about 6 years ago and have used in various projects since. (The added code in the Aquaria PSP port was taken from this library as well -- though I hadn't named the library yet at that time; it was just "the library I use for game projects".)
I plan to release the library source code at some point, but I'm continually changing the interface depending on the needs of the projects I'm working on, so I'll probably wait for a lull in development before I do that.
Any further comments about Ouya support? Because I'm thinking about getting one at some point and that would be a sweet starter, as long as it can run mods.
That leads to: How's mod support? There would be some that'd be really nice (Labyrinth, Sacrifice, ...) as long as their authors agree. Just a thought.
I'll leave these for Alec, though I personally think it would be cool to play Aquaria on the Ouya. (: