Ok, finally!

To play the mod, grab at least
Aquaria OSE 1.002, go to the mod menu -> Browse & Download, and look for it -- should be in the first row.
Alternative download:
[Do not upload this elsewhere or re-host it! Just direct-link to the file, or even better yet, this topic. Thanks.]This mod will NOT run in any of the official versions relased on GOG, Steam, the Humble Bundle, Humble Store, Plimus, Ambrosia, or whatever. You NEED the open source update.If you get stuck, just ask for help in this topic, and if you think you found a bug, by all means, report it.
Note that some mechanics have changed, esp. to progress past one point -- drop your expectations and experiment

There's also a functioning help screen in case you missed a control hint.
Note that this is the
first chapter only, so don't be disappointed that it takes only 1-2 hours to play it.
We'll continue working on the following chapters and keep this topic updated as usual.
Any comments on our story interpration and how we're going to continue it are welcome, it's interesting to see everyone's opinion on that.
Take a guess how it'll continue...

Also, any comments on what you like and what you don't like will be helpful for future development.
Thanks to everyone involved, enjoy!
I really really hope it's not full of bugs... D:EDIT: and for those who want to leave feedback but don't want to create an account on this forum: Email @
fg-aquaria [-ät-] wzff [-döt-] deEDIT2: Same goes for technical questions, if you are interested in how we did certain things, ask away.
Updated download, now the mod also works on big endian architectures (MacOSX <= 10.5, MorphOS, AmigaOS, AROS, etc). That was a single file-change.
To apply to an existing download:
- unpack the aqmod file (it's just a zip archive)
- download the changed file [
- replace aq2_ch1/blob/kickstart.rom with the new version.
- optionally: re-pack into a zip archive, replace .zip extension with .aqmod, done. Alternatively, keep the mod unpacked, and delete the original (bad) aq2_ch1.aqmod file.
(Thanks to IRC fellas Phib_PB for reporting the big-endian problem and widelec-BB for helping me test out a fix!)