That I get this right: You're saying that the 14th October 2012 update works, but the newest one (OSE 1.000) does not. Right?
That's strange. You said you're on OSX -- the updater tool should automatically do the right thing, so no idea what you mean with copy-paste to the original.
I have not changed any code that has to do with mouse control, so no idea why an older version would work while a newer one does not.
Can anyone else with OSX >= 10.7 confirm?
Key config: when i install (14.10. 2012)in the option -key config-there isn't action list(left side) ,can't enter something els:
You mean that the options menu is incomplete?
If so, you have improperly copied some data around, and data/stringbank.txt is now an old version or something else is missing there. This should not happen.
Alternatively you can have a look at your user settings file at
~/Library/Aquaria/preferences/usersettings.xml, the relevant part should look like this:
<Action name="lmb" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT KEY_SPACE 0 JOY_BUTTON_2 " />
<Action name="rmb" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT KEY_LCONTROL 0 JOY_BUTTON_0 " />
<Action name="PrimaryAction" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT KEY_SPACE 0 0 " />
<Action name="SecondaryAction" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT KEY_LCONTROL 0 0 " />
<Action name="SwimUp" input="0 KEY_W KEY_UP 0 " />
<Action name="SwimDown" input="0 KEY_S KEY_DOWN 0 " />
<Action name="SwimLeft" input="0 KEY_A KEY_LEFT 0 " />
<Action name="SwimRight" input="0 KEY_D KEY_RIGHT 0 " />
<Action name="Roll" input="0 KEY_R 0 JOY_BUTTON_5 " />
<Action name="Revert" input="0 KEY_X 0 JOY_BUTTON_1 " />
<Action name="WorldMap" input="0 KEY_Q 0 JOY_BUTTON_9 " />
<Action name="Escape" input="0 KEY_ESCAPE 0 JOY_BUTTON_8 " />
<Action name="PrevPage" input="0 KEY_A KEY_LEFT JOY_BUTTON_4 " />
<Action name="NextPage" input="0 KEY_D KEY_RIGHT JOY_BUTTON_6 " />
<Action name="CookFood" input="0 KEY_W KEY_UP JOY_BUTTON_3 " />
<Action name="FoodLeft" input="0 KEY_S KEY_DOWN 0 " />
<Action name="FoodRight" input="0 0 0 0 " />
<Action name="FoodDrop" input="0 0 0 JOY_BUTTON_5 " />
<Action name="Look" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE KEY_E 0 JOY_BUTTON_7 " />
<Action name="ToggleHelp" input="0 0 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot1" input="0 KEY_1 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot2" input="0 KEY_2 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot3" input="0 KEY_3 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot4" input="0 KEY_4 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot5" input="0 KEY_5 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot6" input="0 KEY_6 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot7" input="0 KEY_7 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot8" input="0 KEY_8 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot9" input="0 KEY_9 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot10" input="0 KEY_0 0 0 " />
You can try to replace yours with mine, maybe that helps...?
now i play on 12,7 2012 update.
Better don't use this version, it has some major problems and keeps forgetting which areas on the world map you have visited.
Later I will try to reproduce what you said and boot up my OSX VM and test the updater directly on an unmodified version by Ambrosia. If i see something goes wrong, I'll fix it.