Update: New linux builds.
I got myself 2 bootstrapped+chrooted debian lenny inside arch linux, 32 and 64 bits, and am using these as build slaves now.
Would be nice if you tested the builds.
7z |
zip |
tar.gzPick whatever you like, they all have the same content.
chmod +x the included launcher script if it refuses to run.
But beware it's
not intended as a public update; rather a test to see if i'm now in the shape to do linux builds that actually work on more machines than mine.
The included libs are old, yet work on my bleeding edge machine. And the dependencies are down to a minimum.
Checked with ldd & objdump, i think i figured out the configuration that Ryan C. Gordon used when he made the HiB builds, and am using that now.

The used OpenAL-soft lib can utilize the following audio backends: ALSA, OSS, PulseAudio, PortAudio. I rememeber a
post that said pulseaudio didn't work.
glVertex3i() is additionally used in one place, unlike in the original code, if that makes any difference.
Based on the icculus.org code, with a few patches that were sent to the mailing list but haven't been applied yet.
And about what you wrote on
askubuntu.com, i am
NOT an Aquaria developer. Yes, i am hacking on the code, but nothing more. Just to make that clear.
If you want official support, nag
Alec, but he is busy making awesome stuff, so he doesn't answer very fast, if at all