Hi all,
First of all congratulations for the port of you awesome game! I enjoyed it in my PC a few years ago (I purchased it trough and indie pack) and now I just purchased it for my iPad 1 (no problem at all after installation, it runs fine fine).
But wait... there is no
map editor, we can't access anymore to the files to
apply modding and I feel to have lost a little piece of fun

For the maps, it would be very nice to have the chance to add them to an accessible
map folder trough iTunes.
For the modding...
-Hi, my name's Toni and I'm a jailbreaker.
-Hiiiii Toniiiii!!
Well, if you have jailbreak you know you can access to the full filesystem but instead of folders with the graphic and the text files we can only find a huge DAT file with (I suppose) all the good stuff boxed inside. So we are unable to apply anything new to the game as we can do in the PC version. Then, ¿would be possible to
release the game in a ''classic'' folders & files mode? Even more, make some of these folders (sprites, config, etc)
accessible trough iTunes to avoid the dark side of the jailbreaking?

And finally:
screen saver mode needed!! Aquaria is an EPIC game with EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL graphics and AWESOME music. I would like an option to set up the game as an screen saver to see the huge world passing like a movie instead of see any boring picture collection from my camera roll

And well, that's all.
Thanks you very much for your time and for your game.
And if this is a nonsense collection, please ignore it!!!