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Offline incom2

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Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« on: November 09, 2011, 03:14:14 pm »
Hi all,

First of all congratulations for the port of you awesome game! I enjoyed it in my PC a few years ago (I purchased it trough and indie pack) and now I just purchased it for my iPad 1 (no problem at all after installation, it runs fine fine).

But wait... there is no map editor, we can't access anymore to the files to apply modding and I feel to have lost a little piece of  fun  :o For the maps, it would be very nice to have the chance to add them to an accessible map folder trough iTunes.

For the modding...
-Hi, my name's Toni and I'm a jailbreaker.
-Hiiiii Toniiiii!!
Well, if you have jailbreak you know you can access to the full filesystem but instead of folders with the graphic and the text files we can only find a huge DAT file with (I suppose) all the good stuff boxed inside. So we are unable to apply anything new to the game as we can do in the PC version. Then, ¿would be possible to release the game in a ''classic'' folders & files mode? Even more, make some of these folders (sprites, config, etc) accessible trough iTunes to avoid the dark side of the jailbreaking? 8)

And finally: screen saver mode needed!! Aquaria is an EPIC game with EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL graphics and AWESOME music. I would like an option to set up the game as an screen saver to see the huge world passing like a movie instead of see any boring picture collection from my camera roll ;)

And well, that's all.
Thanks you very much for your time and for your game.
And if this is a nonsense collection, please ignore it!!!  :'(

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 03:29:18 pm »
> 90% of the users won't run the game on a jailbroken iPad (but thats how most apple users are, anyway).

And i think even less ppl would care about modding on an iPad; think about editing Lua files on that thing. Brr.

If you want to do modding,  use the PC version, mods for the opensource/1.1.3 PC version and the iPad should be compatible.
However, you may want to wait until the iPad source code is released, and then patch it yourself and enable the editor and files + folders mode.

Also, from what i heard Apple's content policies suck quite a bit:
I suggested Alec to add a HTTP mod downloader (implemented that in my own repo, so it would be easily possible), but he said that some of Apple's rules do not allow this.

[30.09.2011 02:09:48] false.genesis : i don't know anything about the iPad filesystem and stuff, but it would be only logical if apps can manage their own files like on a normal PC
[30.09.2011 02:10:18] false.genesis : what do you think about using a simple downloader instead of an actual app update?
[30.09.2011 02:10:39] false.genesis : because mine already works and that may be less effort to get done
[30.09.2011 02:15:04] Alec : ehh... i don't think apple allows you to just download mods to things
[30.09.2011 02:15:51] Alec : but most people won't jailbreak plus obviously that's not supported by apple
[30.09.2011 02:16:04] false.genesis : ok, this sucks, didn't know that
[30.09.2011 02:16:27] Alec : yeah it'd have to all be approved by apple at some point, otherwise it can't get on the store
[30.09.2011 02:16:32] Alec : so we have to work within those restrictions
[30.09.2011 02:18:42] Alec : but i'm pretty sure you can't just download an extension to a game from anywhere, that seems like it would violate the whole point of the app store
[30.09.2011 02:18:55] Alec : i.e. you could just make an app that is really small and then downloads porn, breaking their guidelines

Can't give you more details, but that should sum it up. If you need to know more, ask someone who actually knows about this stuff :)

Offline incom2

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 03:55:40 pm »
Mmm... I see.

I agree with you that >90% of iPad users don't have jailbreak, specially since iOS 5 with no unthethered jailbreak available. But I see there is a lot of games in the App Store with option to download new levels for free or by paying an amount. This would force to have anything like a level repository where users can send their work, then an approval process, and then submit to the in-purchase system in the game. But my first idea was the same as when I add a video o music file to any player (like GPlayer, you have the folder open in iTunes to add your own media with no limits if you are posting porn -for example- or not).

The modding I agree there is much legal complication because access to the resource files of the game surelly will not be allowed even using the trick on iTunes.

And the screensaver... I think it is a must have  ;)

Thanks you very much for that quick reply!

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 04:03:45 pm »
The idea was born earlier btw: http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=2125.0

And about screensaver, what do you expect?
Like, it is easily possible to make a mod that can play itself, although it would require some scripting.

Offline incom2

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 04:35:05 pm »
Ok, I see the idea was discused in the past; I hope someday it will be implemented.

About screensaver just to have a button to start the mode: the camera just movint trough the levels, or randomly following some fish or even following Naija. Plus option to enable background music and effects.

As I said, these are just a few ideas I've got. If someone find them useful for the release, great. And if not, that's ok.

Thanks you very much!

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2011, 05:04:17 pm »
Hmm, i might wrap up a little test map to check out how it works. Simplistic, ofc.
Might use a map from my upcoming mod, i'm too lazy to create a new map just for a test like this.

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2011, 10:12:12 pm »
Not sure if this was covered already, but it would be cool to add mods to the official Aquaria iPad release as updates. :)

People would still have to make the mods on a PC, Mac or Linux machine though.

And we'd probably have to approve them, i.e. only the "best" mods would make it in.

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2011, 12:49:37 pm »
I hereby present thy the first screensaver mod: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22111385/Aquaria/fg_scrnsav_02.zip 8)

Probably not as nice and smooth as it could be, and it also changes maps too often imho (but i was too lazy to balance that out in this state). No idea about the loading times on the iPad, if it takes too long, let me know and i will make it stay in one map for a longer time before changing.

Requires v1.1.3+ to run. Only tested with my own 1.1.3 branch, so it may be possible that i have overlooked something. It could run on 1.1.1 also, but i was again too lazy to fix this. If there is demand for 1.1.1, i will fix this up, though.

Oh and another thing: For obvious reasons (don't have an iPad) i could only test this with a mouse. I don't know how the mouse <-> touchscreen translation works, so you'll have to figure that out yourself.

Anyways, enjoy! :)

EDIT: Little correction, updoaded new zip.

(Also, try not to look into the code, i was in a hurry, kinda. I was tired and wanted to sleep when i made most of that. :P)

EDIT2: Noticed a few quirks, will fix those tomorrow, after getting some sleep...

EDIT3: Fixed and improved, added some more movement paths, made explicit camera paths straight. Updated link above.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 12:04:39 am by False.Genesis »

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2011, 06:58:28 am »
Why on earth would anyone want a screensaver mod for an iPad? Is the goal to wind down your battery life more quickly?

"Screen savers" originally came about as a way to prevent screen burn-in. Display technology has matured enough over the course of, say, 20 years to the point where you'll never see permanent burn-in, let alone temporary burn-in - especially on a device with an Auto-Lock feature.

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2011, 10:06:12 am »
Is the same as using a notebook on battery for gaming. Thought i might include a note in the readme, but hey, its obvious, no? :P

Yeah well... people do weird things with their iPads anyways.

Anyways, the mod runs on PC, and that counts!

Offline FrancesF

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Re: Maps + customization and ''screen saver mode''
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2011, 05:10:31 pm »
That's really cool, f.g.  You go!  I'd very much like it to play on my Mac...