Mh, can't open facebook links (no, i am not
ever going to register there!). Try
imgur, please

But thanks for reporting this, first bug report i got (

), will check it when i have time.
Can't do anything this evening besides hardcore exam learning :/Forgot to mention, the experimental exe has all debugging stuff enabled, maybe this causes trouble as well. Have seen one case where abusing debug features from otherwise inaccessible menus would add a white square on the menu page, to the spot where the blue crystal would be after you met Li. Have no clue why.
Oh and keep yourself away from the debug menus, they ruin the game experience

1.1.2 is the current (?) steam version. 1.1.1 is the newest you can get for non-steam windows, just fyi. If i rememeber correctly, in other topics it was mentioned that 1.1.2 came with a number of fixes for AMD/ATI cards, but these should be in 1.1.3+ (the opensource version) as well.
EDIT:Just counted the total files in "gfx" folder and subfolders, fresh plimus install: 2421 files. Just in case. If some are missing, they will show up as white boxes.