Adding to that: i have seen lots of references to "Ompo" in home waters, vedhacave, and the energy temple, question remains, who/what is that, or was supposed to be?
Seems to have been stripped out of the game at quite a late point, as a full script is there, nodes, animations, and stuff, but no graphics (didn't try to run the script, however).
The old energy god apparently eats Ompo before the battle starts, or something. At least thats in a script that is also unused.
Mia and Ompo have some relation, was supposed to follow her around, and it does look like Mia was present a lot in openwaters before the game was "streamlined", as Alec said in another topic.
Found nothing via forum search. Any theories?

EDIT: About Sauguin, if i remember correctly she did play a role in the Sacrifice mod. Has been a while since i played it, and my memory could be better these days.
EDIT2: He? She? Afaik Sauguin was a priestess, but i may be totally off here anyways.