"Depending on your setup (im guessing you ahve integrated video)"
integrated as in that it's a laptop. But it's an ATI radeon card. Not an intel integrated type.
"you should turn off the UAC, and turn off Aero."
Are you saying UAC affects performance? As for turning off Aero why use vista if it's off? Regardless it should be fair because I run CompizFusion in Linux and don't turn that off.
Of course the UAC is another process effectively checking everything being sent to your CPU, similar to an anti-virus active scan. Aero runs fine on my computer. I admit that Aero is a good reason to get vista, however, if your computer is not the best, than your going to suffer becuase of it. Turn it off, and watch how much smoother everything runs. After a while you wont miss glass, or live thumbnail previews.
"How many gadgets do you have in your sidebar?"
8, but I close it before gaming.
"Do you boot your machine and not remove any of the presupplied software when you bought it from teh manufactuer?"
When I got it from Dell I completely wiped it and did a fresh Vista install without and Dell utilities.
"you probably don't have any culter on your linux install as you installed it."
I probably have more clutter on my Linux install in all reality.
I don't have a problem with Microsoft/Windows/Vista on the whole. I use it at vista at work. I'm also a certified MCSA/MCSE. So I'm not your average user.
But when I have the choice I prefer to use Linux.
This statements doesn't really mean anything anymore. Anyone can get them, and I've had to work with several people who had them, and were bigger tools on computers than my 15 year old brother.
There are just as many Windows Vista zealots as they are Linux zealots. I'm neither. I'm just happy Aquaria plays great for me on Linux. That was my whole point. Obviously YMMV

The bottom line.
However I'd say the playing field is more than level.
There are obviously some real problems with Vista. What I don't like is how the general population is brain washed by Mac commericials, and the uninformed opinions of others on the matter.
There are problems, but no more than any other OS release aside for some mac releases, which shouldn't even count as the only hardware you can get on a mac is predefined, making it easy to ensure your software works on all of it.
Windows in general has to work with everything! Linux is a great OS, but it doesn't install and run flawlessly on everything either. Believing that is very misleading. In a world where the normal user just wants to know hwo to turn it on and play, Windows is still the best choice when all factors are taken into account. (selection, applcations, etc.)
Edit: Ps: please excuse my rather over zealous reaction to Vista's slander. I don't really love it all that much, just hate the bandwagons. At any rate, I'm glad the games runs, who cares on what OS.