Not surprising since Vista has turned out to be a disgraceful OS. 
What I think is more disgraceful, is the people using computers they purchased back in 98 to attempt to run Vista, and then being disgruntle it runs like crap.
What's also disgraceful is how people don't even bother reading prompts or instructions and want everything to magically work. If this is you, get a console.
New software with new features, requires new technology. If you're not packing it, don't complain that an OS is disgraceful.
My setup runs perfect. Vista Ultimate x64, 1680 x 1050 resolution. I play the game windowed with all the graphics options on at the fullest resolution avail. (1400 x 1050 I think) It runs flawless. Vista as a whole is a pretty impressive piece of software. If all you want to believe is Mac commericals then have fun living in fantasy land.
The bottom line is, if you want Vista (an OS designed for the next generation of hardware) to work well, you need current hardware.
You don't have current hardware? (which is fine) Use XP, it's a solid OS, with a proven track record.