do you think the starfish were inspired by the ones in sonic 2? they are very similar in the dormant-on-the-background-until-approached idea.
actually, from the names that they have for the starfish (look in the mods thread), I'd say they were based on a certain pokemon (and no its not pikachu).
at least from the description given, it sounds like those are the ones you are talking about. I think there are only two starfish enemies anyways.
Speaking of pokemon, does anybody think those blue blobs that crawl around on the walls (one of the earliest enemies you will encounter) shooting purple beacons at you, look like one of those pokemon? Tentacruel I think, or the smaller form, not sure which one it was. When I first saw those, I thought hey, doesn't that thing look a bit like a pokemon?
oh yea, to stay on topic here. I don't really have a most hated enemy yet since I haven't gotten that far. However I do have an annoying entity. You know that big black grouper type fish near your home? that guy is always trying to steal food drops. At least if it accidentially eats you, you get spat right out basically unhurt. Although I did manage to do something funny to him. When I was getting that song plant (or song bulb, or whatever), I went above the plant to make sure I get at least one or both of its drops, well, right on cue that guy tries to snap them up, but I was pretty quick and had gotten at least one or both, causing him to go back and forth in a frenzy for a minute or two trying to get the drop, and eventually gave up.
BTW, if you do some singing near him, his eyes will light up to the color of the song. I don't know if there are any songs that affect him though.