Hey all,
I've got a question about the difference between steam and the plimus/HiB version, and a patch.
My Aquaria version i bought from Plimus (about 2 weeks ago) is still 1.1.1, and i have read somewhere that Steam is already at 1.1.3/1.1.4.
Is there anything else except the achievements and maybe a few bug fixes?
Since i have the code and exe for 1.1.3 compiled, i'm just missing a few data files like the achievements definitions. Maybe there is more that got changed, but how should i know

Would be nice if anyone can send me the missing/updated files. (And for steam users, a .gcf file with the data is also fine; i can open it

And if Alec agrees, I'd create a patch for the plimus/HiB versions and share it with everyone here.
(Already sent
Nava an email, but couldn't help me. And in case there IS a patch and i was too blind to find it, give me a rant and point me where it is, thx
