Hi all,
Firstly what an intriguing and entertaining game, was immediately hooked after I luckily stumbled across a review.
OK so I've played the game for a couple of hours, taking my time to look around and backtracking a couple times aswell. Beaten a few boss or mini-boss type creatures. Found the first traveling turtle, got the nautilus pet, the first armour that you get, now I find myself in the energy temple with a place to put a pearl, but no pearl available.
I see a big red flower but can't do anything with it yet, I've explored around but can't find anything else to do or anywhere else to go. So anyone able to help me please with where to look around next?
Also this is only the demo I'm playing so is there something missing in the demo that means I can't continue further like in the full game? Is there an actual 'ending' to the demo where it tells you you've finished all demo content and now need to buy the full game?